Carniolan X

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There are better queens available if you know where to look....but you probably have to be a breeder so BeeFriendly would take me to task if I mentioned them ;-)

Sorry no do secret handshakes....
Why would I take you task, I'm interested in trying these queens but their availability is elusive.
Sorry no do secret handshakes....
Why would I take you task, I'm interested in trying these queens but their availability is elusive.

Similar to the superb varroa resistant / hygenic Cornish Amm... most breeders will keep the best for themselves!!!

More difficult than getting a drink from a Vogon!!!!
Yeghes da
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most breeders will keep the best for themselves!!!

ALL breeders keep the best for themselves BUT, if you're a member of a breeding group, you MAY get a daughter of a high performing queen OR, if the breeder has more promising stock than he/she is able to manage, you may get those he/she doesn't have the resources to propagate/test themselves. I bought these two ( from one of my BeeBreed-NL contacts because he had more stock than he could sensibly work with.
I'll be going to the Netherlands next Friday for the weekend (Breeders group meeting) so it'll be a good opportunity to renew old acquaintances and make some new ones. That's what these things are about.
Why do you think that is?
No idea, you tell me.

And while you are your little enclave at the weekend you might ask them "What is the point of all this breeding VSH bees if the end product remains in the hands of a chosen few?"
Weren't the LASI queens supposed to be vsh Amm?

They CLAIMED that they were hygienic (hygienic is not VSH) but I understand they stopped selling them after an EFB outbreak. Even then, they only said that they were ORIGINALLY Amm but I could never get them to disclose what their pedigrees were (they were open draw your own conclusions). I don't know if anyone has heard anything further?
I was quite critical about LASIs claim because they weren't following the standard Coloss protocol (they allowed the colonies twice as long to clear out the cells so their results weren't really comparable)
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I found a site, what has happened to Australian hygienic bee program. It started 2007 and ended 2015. Reason to stop was "lack of orders". The hive material now is in private apiary.

It was well explained how the breeding development happens.
What I may say is that job is not easy. Hygienic behaviour is not on-off thing. It varied to 80% to 30%.

You cannot select rapidly, because you will loose the genetic variation to this one feature.

Perhaps slow progress forced to stop the program. There was a big group of professional beekeepers with their hives and with genepools in it.

This program gives some realistic backround to the several projects in the UK, which have arosen on " local level".

This is my opinion:
I understand that same has happened to the mite resistat breeding project in NZ. Co ordination via University level did not succeeded and private beebreeders do their own work as a business. Perhaos they did not want to donate their achievements to the common prpjects....
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Talking about LASI

and bearing in mind that I have been reading up on brood diseases, I thought that EFB only showed itself in hives / colonies that were stressed? AND that Hygienic Bees also were more resistant to EFB?

ALSO I thought that either the hives were burned, like with AFB (or am I getting them confused) or treated with antibiotics... I assumed if antibiotics were used then everything would be ok within some months especially if the bees were shook-ed out, and all new comb was used, etc.

Am I too assume that the LASI project is not supplying Hygienic Queens again because;
1. They have kept their hives (and not burned them with the genetic stock) and are treating with antibiotics, but are having difficulty getting rid of the EFB,
2. The 'standstill' period is a year plus and not about a few months for EFB to be cleared up as I naively thought,
3. or that the Hygienic level within the LASI queens were not as high when tested in other apiaries or at least not as consistent with their claims???

It just seems from looking at their blog they have been very quiet, with NO updates, I mean nothing ... on a subject which makes many beekeepers salivate with the thought, super hygienic bees :drool5:
EFB is very easy disase, if you change the queen to efb resistant. No one need to burn his hives for efb.

But to get away efb sensitive genes from your genepool and around you apiaries is different thing, but however very easy job.

It is same with chalkbrood. Change your genepool.

Sensitive hygiene is a wrong method to handle these two diseases. First the larva becomes sick and the bees carry it out of hive. There are holes in brood area then.

When bees are immune to these two diseases, they do not become sick at all.

I have explained this over 20 times, it it has no meaning.
EFB is very easy disase, if you change the queen to efb resistant. No one need to burn his hives for efb.

But to get away efb sensitive genes from your genepool and around you apiaries is different thing, but however very easy job.

It is same with chalkbrood. Change your genepool.

Sensitive hygiene is a wrong method to handle these two diseases. First the larva becomes sick and the bees carry it out of hive. There are holes in brood area then.

When bees are immune to these two diseases, they do not become sick at all.

I have explained this over 20 times, it it has no meaning.

I thought the German beekeepers had eradicated EFB by using OTC... perhaps I am wrong?

Yeghes da
The Germans have nothing to do with it. mbc was asking about LASI keep up!

Did they treat the LASI queens and colonies with OTC?

I try to keep up... but you youngsters type too fast for me!!!

Yeghes da
Did they treat the LASI queens and colonies with OTC?

I try to keep up... but you youngsters type too fast for me!!!

Yeghes da

I don't know what they were treated with. It's all off the point.
The OP must be tearing his hair out at all this OT stuff by now.