Your time will come and it will be worth it! I've learnt that if you focus on managing the bees, the honey will usually look after itself. If you fixate on honey, you risk losing the bees which means you lose the honey too.
You may need to buy in a queen but it's still fairly early in the season so there's time to get two colonies and honey still.
To do this, at this point I recommend:
- Wait 2-3 weeks to see if you have a laying queen. If there is, go straight to #3.
- If there is no queen at that point, buy one in immediately (should be doable in Italy?) and introduce her before the bees get too old to rear brood.
- Let the colony grow. Once you have a full colony, either:
- move two frames, one of mostly sealed brood, one with eggs/young larvae and one frame of stores plus shake in some more, go back in a week and reduce to one queen cell, hope it mates and you have a nuc. OR
- Buy another queen. Move a frame of sealed brood, one of stores and shake in some bees.
This way you should get a full colony, hopefully some honey and at least a nuc as well.