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Buckfast 2017 Nucs Grt Man / Cheshire / Northwest

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A New Years message?

Aye to "both" really

Someone made a comment that I best read what was put on after as I hadn't bothered, read a bit and gave in.

Well what a delightful read and how incredibly generous of you to give us your detailed thoughts with the promise of no reply.

Care to call it quits???

No need to feel threatened at all. I did all that typing to explain the process to beginners and how point out how ludicrous you 1st advert was in terms of splitting etc.

After all I am not the one who felt it necessary to make a comment that delete it. I am also not the one who had adverts deleted that had more holes that a multi pack of polo's in them. I am not the one trying to sell beginners Nucs in September.

I will pull you up on 1 point that I did read, not going to bother with the rest. I didn't guess at your process, you told us your process on the now deleted thread. You were splitting hives, not making up Nucs and and adding in bought in Queens from BS, that are bought in foreign queen that early in the season. Maybe it was something you neglected to put in your advert. There is a thread that you haven't deleted which gives a different picture of the process I should of just asked about.

In you response "Queens were bought in as discussed above. Why not ask the questions instead of assuming to know whats going on?" So my "guess" about foreign queens etc was right then.


(Maybe should of deleted this one aswell)

Some honesty, I am really glad what effectively is your BS Honey Bees have done so well for you.

Just like "his" advert threads you popped up on this one, there's a surprise. It was your comment that made me make the comment about tears rolling down my cheeks from the Grimsby Trawler like smell of the advert, bit like your call and texts really. I know exactly who you were call texts about Nuc and more strangely (but in hindsight not now Queens). BTW still waiting for you to pick up the Nuc you ordered and never bothered picking up the Nuc, Happy to post message chain on here if you want and let people make up their own minds.

As I said on now deleted thread Fleetwood Mac.
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Aye to "both" really

Someone made a comment that I best read what was put on after as I hadn't bothered, read a bit and gave in.

No need to feel threatened at all. I did all that typing to explain the process to beginners and how point out how ludicrous you 1st advert was in terms of splitting etc.

After all I am not the one who felt it necessary to make a comment that delete it. I am also not the one who had adverts deleted that had more holes that a multi pack of polo's in them. I am not the one trying to sell beginners Nucs in September.

I will pull you up on 1 point that I did read, not going to bother with the rest. I didn't guess at your process, you told us your process on the now deleted thread. You were splitting hives, not making up Nucs and and adding in bought in Queens from BS, that are bought in foreign queen that early in the season. Maybe it was something you neglected to put in your advert. There is a thread that you haven't deleted which gives a different picture of the process I should of just asked about.

In you response "Queens were bought in as discussed above. Why not ask the questions instead of assuming to know whats going on?" So my "guess" about foreign queens etc was right then.


(Maybe should of deleted this one aswell)

Some honesty, I am really glad what effectively is your BS Honey Bees have done so well for you.

Just like "his" advert threads you popped up on this one, there's a surprise. It was your comment that made me make the comment about tears rolling down my cheeks from the Grimsby Trawler like smell of the advert, bit like your call and texts really. I know exactly who you were call texts about Nuc and more strangely (but in hindsight not now Queens). BTW still waiting for you to pick up the Nuc you ordered and never bothered picking up the Nuc, Happy to post message chain on here if you want and let people make up their own minds.

As I said on now deleted thread Fleetwood Mac.

You wanted me to wait 2 months for a Nuc when I had bought a full set up and was waiting to go. I asked you if you could do it sooner as there was someone else also selling that was ready to go. Your last words to me where which ever way you decide to go make sure they guarantee their queens.

You some how got that as “yer Kev I’ll wait at least two months with no contact from you and take a Nuc off you”

Im so glad I didn’t deal with you, I look forward to your sad unfunny reply ....

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Now if you were to mention Leylines or Native bees or Banning exotic imports, promoting beet sugar or pesticides or even natural beekeeping or fogging for varroa ...
this somewhat pointless thread would shirley have a 10000 hits!

Nos da
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Oh dear
This is my last post on this matter so here goes.

I will reiterate this forum is a beekeeping forum to help people and in a hobby that can be absolutely bewildering at the start a safe haven to get advice and the odd advert for / excess to be sold off. Its not commercial and in the 4 years I have advertised stuff I have probably sold 10 nucs over that time, advertising 60 in a season is not spare, its commercial. Playing the hard done by put on is pathetic. Do you seriously think people believe this carp.

You wanted me to wait 2 months for a Nuc w

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Lets make this clear I didn’t want or ask “yous” to do anything, I am coming upto 60 so technology beats me sometimes but here goes.
Rather than me said he said why not just let people make up their own minds what value to put on “yours” word and what kind of blokes “yous” are.
“You” PM’ed me on 14th on April asking about Nucs and rang on the 15th and texted me on the 16th April, 19th April, 20th April, 16th May x 2 and last 1 on 11th June and still waiting for “you” to pick up the nuc. Some bloke eh?
They say a picture is worth more than a 1000 words, so here goes I have removed most of the number so you cant whinge on to have it removed because it shows your number.


Unfunny enough for you?

The value I would put on “your” word is exactly 3/5ths of FA, but I will let other people judge for themselves. My texts on the ones in yellow, note short cut and the few that know me personally off here will recognise the rather honest approach.

In hindsight (a wonderful thing) in my personal opinion Admin made a mistake by deleting the adverts because of comments, don’t know why that should include the first as there were no remarks on it from anybody.
Most people like me probably looked at the advert and laughed as no chance of doing what the advert said as above it was just never going to happen. I actually phrased my advert in such a way so it may prompt beginners to ask relevant questions. I know the couple I spoke to there was no mention of bought in foreign queens and thoughts were buying home bred local bees as that is how the advert came across. Given the numbers involved I was a bit surprised admin didn’t step in and stop it but its not for me to say.
2nd advert advertising nucs in September and 2018 nucs did attract comments because of the timing and gaps as per 1st advert. I must admit to having a chuckle as the squirming went on and was happy to leave it. I only made a comment after the “Glowing Recommendation” from above and it was change user name to Fleetwood Mac. (Anybody not sure look up name of their hits and you can guess which title). I only got involved when “yous” decided to over egg the pudding, given it was 40 Nucs I was surprised Admin allowed it.
I would love to do as you have above and take the adverts apart line by line, but I can’t because you had them deleted. The reason being the nasty bigger boys were sniping and making comments, you had the same advert on Preloved with doesn’t allow any nasty big boys to make comments but that was removed at the same time. In my opinion but I suspect a few people share it you took them down so people couldn’t go line by line and you could keep on playing the “ I am “ man and poo poo anything that was said because its just somebodys word against yours. You are also playing the victim in this which you are clearly not and trying to paint me as the one with an ulterior motive.
It was obvious from the 1st advert and rammed home by the 2nd advert is that all you see is pound notes nothing more nothing less. Admin have compounded the mistake by letting “yous” continue even still advertising on this thread through “your sidekick”. Telling part truths in as bad as lying.
As for me I have put up a number of Nucs to overwinter and sell that has a digit in common with your 40, it’s the 0. I have only ever sold the spare ones or money to reinvest in queens. I could of easily sold a lot more Nucs last year by cutting corners, buying in queens etc. I didn’t I even chased a few people, I never chased anybody to buy one. I moved 1 to 14x12 for someone another to Warre (never again) and had culled all queens of unknown origin the previous Autumn. Which by the way was more than what I was left with.
I was very lucky with the bees and advice I got when starting and passionate that new beekeepers are given the best opportunity to start off right. Unfortunately some beekeepers only see them as fair game / pound notes and a way to sell off their carp frames / equipment. and even bees (preferably someone elses bees) you see and hear the stories every year some with kit that is only fit for the bonfire. New beekeepers for the most part should be able to trust what they see on site as a honest straight forward advert not reliant on other people having to ask questions because they don’t know any better. You wont have to worry about me anymore if admin are happy for you to continue then I am more than happy to cease using the site. Your present ramblings don’t fool anybody and no doubt the subtle adverts will continue. I am too straight and too many principles (you may want to look that phrase up) to allow that to go on without comment and too old for this carp, so I’m not playing. No doubt it will resurface at some point because your type can’t help yourselves.
And if you want to play dirty, this is an odd picture to have on a preloved advert having only sold 10 nucs in your entire life!


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I was very lucky with the bees and advice I got when starting and passionate that new beekeepers are given the best opportunity to start off right. Unfortunately some beekeepers only see them as fair game / pound notes and a way to sell off their carp frames / equipment. and even bees (preferably someone elses bees) you see and hear the stories every year some with kit that is only fit for the bonfire.

Im sorry, but its quite clear what you are insinuating here, and that's not on.

Have some respect.

You have my phone number from my preloved adverts.

Pick up the phone and lets discuss this like adults as opposed to tit for tat on a forum. It's really getting silly now.

You have my phone number from my preloved adverts.

Pick up the phone and lets discuss this like adults as opposed to tit for tat on a forum. It's really getting silly now.

Now that is the proper way to deal with it. Look forward to hearing you have both sorted things out and are now the best of friends.
I very rarely delete posts as my roll is to administer the software/hosting and pay the server fees and keep us up and running.

All forum post are moderated by the forum moderator hivemaker,.
So like the "ice bucket challenge" I nominate Hivemaker for any deletions

P.s Hivemaker if it was you just blame it on a technical software outage,it always works for me. :spy:
I very rarely delete posts as my roll is to administer the software/hosting and pay the server fees and keep us up and running.

All forum post are moderated by the forum moderator hivemaker,.
So like the "ice bucket challenge" I nominate Hivemaker for any deletions

P.s Hivemaker if it was you just blame it on a technical software outage,it always works for me. :spy:

Good call... Hivemaker knows his onions and he also knows how to deal with online profiles of certain individuals, you could do with cloning him so he has someone else to help him Moderate the forum, one moderator can have his work cut out with a forum as big as this when many levels of experience/knowledge and opinions clash... even more so when he has his own bees and other things to deal with away from the forum.
Yer as stated you wanted me to wait 2 months, I asked for queens as I needed them. I’m not going to voice my views on you but all I can say is good luck. As for my number I’m not fussed as I’ll probably sell some Nucs from the fantastic colony I have off Lal. Which you can spit your dummy out over as you seem to not like other people doing the same thing you do.....

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Yer as stated you wanted me to wait 2 months, I asked for queens as I needed them. I’m not going to voice my views on you but all I can say is good luck. As for my number I’m not fussed as I’ll probably sell some Nucs from the fantastic colony I have off Lal. Which you can spit your dummy out over as you seem to not like other people doing the same thing you do.....

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Let the fire go out..;) you are onto a winner so do well in 2018 .

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