For anyone here who still cares about
facts, the
England Honey Regs are here and are inconsistent with a lot of the above.
Wales Regs are here - The Honey Wales Regulations 2015.pdf
I have to say, they look remarkably similar at first glance
"Mass caterers" defined here
ADD Weights and Measures Regs here
ADD ADD Relevant W+M exemption NB NOT an exemption to Honey Regs: "Individual portion of a food intended as a minor accompaniment to another food or another service. This includes butter and other fat spreads, milk, cream and cheeses, jams and marmalades, mustards, sauces, tea, coffee and sugar, and another service includes the provision of sleeping accommodation at an hotel or other establishment at which such accommodation is provided by way of trade or business. 25 g or 25 ml"
That Hants link looks pretty accurate (or at least: "close enough"; we can perhaps quibble over "individual portions") and useful to avoid wading through all the boilerplate.