Boxy Bees and Apimanager records

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Jul 26, 2015
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Thinking about changing from paper records to electronic. Found the Boxy app (Android devices only) but I have an iPhone. Then looked at Apimanager (can be used by iPhone). Also considered loose leaf record cards in the apiary (my current method) with transfer to a laptop spreadsheet using an Apimanager-type xls file structure. In making a decision which method to use it would be helpful if an Apimanager user knows if records can be transferred from Apimanager to an xls spreadsheet. I do not like the idea of losing data by a decision of the USA company controlling the app decides to charge fees or fees or removes the app.
Has anyone got helpful comments?
Thinking about changing from paper records to electronic. Found the Boxy app (Android devices only) but I have an iPhone. Then looked at Apimanager (can be used by iPhone). Also considered loose leaf record cards in the apiary (my current method) with transfer to a laptop spreadsheet using an Apimanager-type xls file structure. In making a decision which method to use it would be helpful if an Apimanager user knows if records can be transferred from Apimanager to an xls spreadsheet. I do not like the idea of losing data by a decision of the USA company controlling the app decides to charge fees or fees or removes the app.
Has anyone got helpful comments?
Stick with loose leaf / notebook. It’s “Gates proof”.
A lot to be said for staying 'old school', what with updates and abandonware, there is so much recorded data to be potentially lost.
These issues are my worry. I am leaning towards paper notes to xls but am keen to hear from an Apimanager user on whether data can be downloaded to a laptop.

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