Board below the Mesh

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New Bee
Jan 8, 2017
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Thanks very much for the support thus far, I seem to be learning very quickly (good job).

My latest inquiry is the board below the open mesh, should is always be fitted or only fitted for varroa monitoring?


Best to All

Suffolk Paul
(The Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence)
Hi Paul

I'm a newcomer too. I recently learned on a thread here somewhere that it is good to put it in temporarily while doing inspections and for a little while after. This reduces the likelihood of young dropped bees that don't know how to get back into the hive clinging to the mesh thinking they are home and perishing - they keep wandering and find the door.

I once left it in for too long and the bees were decidedly unimpressed, fanning at the entrance to shift some air in (had a reduced entrance in place too!).
in the summer leave it out to help the bees to regulate there temperature, but if you are treating put it in with a slight spray of veggie oil to catch mites, and in the winter if your hives are where there is a cold wind blowing you can shut it up but leave a small gap, and in the spring you can put it in for tell tale indications of where the bees are uncapping feed or brood, hope that helps it can be very versatile .

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