Bit of a flow???

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From Glossop, North Derbyshire, UK
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 11, 2021
Reaction score
Glossop, North Derbyshire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
4 to 12!
My bees are busy on willow, currant, & likely cherry. Lots of pollen coming in but I wondered if enough nectar (stores were possibly a bit low recently (& I added frames of stores to some).
However this evening one of my smaller hives (double height nuc) has bees fanning at the entrance, so I think they have found something good!
My bees are busy on willow, currant, & likely cherry. Lots of pollen coming in but I wondered if enough nectar (stores were possibly a bit low recently (& I added frames of stores to some).
However this evening one of my smaller hives (double height nuc) has bees fanning at the entrance, so I think they have found something good!
Long may it continue for your hives
Another hive fanning too tonight, I'm guessing it is the nearby pussy willow - somehow I didn't expect it to give much nectar, just lots of pollen!
Another hive fanning too tonight, I'm guessing it is the nearby pussy willow - somehow I didn't expect it to give much nectar, just lots of pollen!
My son was walking around in a T-shirt yesterday and shorts in the sunshine ...extraordinary for Sheffield at this time of year whilst down here it was still miserable and grey - has brightened up a lot today but as luck would have it I had a 10.5 hour shift at work and hardly saw any of it !
My son was walking around in a T-shirt yesterday and shorts in the sunshine ...extraordinary for Sheffield at this time of year whilst down here it was still miserable and grey - has brightened up a lot today but as luck would have it I had a 10.5 hour shift at work and hardly saw any of it !
I’m a bit north of you and I think today even after a cold start was the first real day the bees have really been going for it. It was actually warm in the sun this afternoon! Let’s hope we are in for some more or it’ll be a slow start to the season.
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