New Bee

Lately there has been moisture on the observation board, and I'm not sure if it's condensation mixed with the pollen, or if there's something else going on in the hive, but it looks to me like insect droppings..... I haven't opened the bottom box since last month because there's so much going on in there, and its been raining a lot. I wasn't sure what to do. I'm pretty sure my queen was replaced, and there are drone cells all over the frames in the super and those frames are attached to the frames in the brood box below. When I opened the super above the brood, I tore a bunch apart. I've since added another super because they were running out of room. I am concerned there might be hive beetles in there, and some varroa at this time. I had a huge Infestation of varroa mites last fall, but I mostly got it under control.
How can I tell if it's bee poop or moisture mixed with pollen? And is it possible that it's from the rain?
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