from my own bees never, but I would never at any time ever go near one of my hives without a full jacket a viel and leather gloves (have a look in the videos) the only reason is because I once tried the "just pop the lid off to do this, It wont take a second or two " after i was chased out of the apiary i had at the time and stung 4 times one was near my throat, I have never tried to be clever again with my bees as they are at the best of times a little grumpy when they want to be, I have also started to find that i dont just get a small lump any more, they are getting large and more painfull and being as ugly as i am i dont want to get worse.
as for swarm collecting and helping others around 24 times ish but i dont realy count, stung by wasps is around again two dozen but after again a very bad past expierience i never work without full protection
Can i also just point out one other very strange point that is very hard for most to understand, I work in the building industry and as such I have had a health and safety ethic rammed down my throat for so long i actualy do it at home now, steel boots for the allotment ,eye protection when strimming the back garden, gloves whilst digging etc etc the list is very sad and very very long and i also do it with the bee's to!! , gloves , jacket veil, long sleaves over trousers,
I would not want to be teaching/ taught how to do something, with bees by someone that is not wearing that lot, and who is either getting stung alot or running around the apiary with 2,000 bees following them, my days of bravery went out the window years ago, ask anyone who has gone into anaphylatic shook, i did once and i dont want to go there again, Can i also just say anyone who got stung more tham a dozen times or so , is either got some realy bad bees or or is doing something wrong somewhere