Bees not taking syrup but taking fondant

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House Bee
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
Locks Heath, Hampshire
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New keeper here in Hampshire. I just picked up my 6-frame nuc at the end of last week.

After putting them into the hive I put on one of the round top feeders with 1:1 syrup. I dribbled a little bit of syrup down the hole in the cover board so they knew where it was. Yesterday I checked and I don't think any had been taken. In a slight panic I took it away and put a piece of fondant over the hole with a plastic box over it and they are in there eating their heads off.

I emailed the guy I got the nuc from and he said not to give them fondant as they won't draw out comb with that, but to leave the syrup on, and not worry if they don't take it.

They have been out foraging every day apart from Saturday when it rained all day, and yesterday I quickly checked and there is comb being drawn on some of the new foundation.

I haven't done a full inspection yet to see how much brood vs stores they have, as I don't want to keep disturbing them while they are settling in. On installing the nuc all 6 frames were well covered with bees.

So what about the syrup vs fondant situation? Should I let them finish this piece and then put syrup back on assuming they will take it down if they need it? Or carry on giving fondant knowing that they are at least getting some food while the weather is so bad? I get that they might not be able to store syrup until they have built more comb to put it into.

I have searched on here with various keywords but not found any definitive answers, I am happy not to be constantly messing with the bees but I don't want them to starve either.

They refused the syrup which = "we don't want that thanks"

The fondant is going because... not too sure, probably as it is there, but as you are saying they are foraging every day! Must be about the only ones in the uk that are so lucky them...

I would take it off and let them get on with doing it them selves.

Provided you are seeing the comb being drawn out they are doing fine.

Enjoy them and relax they are the experts...LOL

Keep the hive warm, close up any mesh floor, entrances reduced, feed syrup not fondant. Sometime it takes days before they really find it, then your feeder will empty in a couple of days. If you are in an EFB & AFB free area and can source some genuinely local honey of known provenance then a trickle of that down the feeder hole and a teaspoon full mixed in with a litre of syrup helps. If you are not 100% sure of the honey or the foul brood status of the colonies it came from then PLEASE DON'T do it.
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Thanks guys :)

Poly - they are dodging the showers, but I've seen them coming and going every day so far.

I've got the board under the mesh floor and the entrance hole is about big enough for 2 to get in and out. I'll let them finish this bit of fondant as it was only a small *test* piece anyway and try syrup again.

I've sent off the form to join the local association so I might be able to source some clean local honey from somebody on there. I know not to use honey from a shop or from unknown sources - I should have bought some when I went to collect the nuc but didn't think of it at the time. I was too excited!
Thanks guys :)

Poly - they are dodging the showers, but I've seen them coming and going every day so far

In Norfolk and the weather has been horrid but I do feel that we have missed the worse unlike some, so consider myself lucky. Also my bees are managing to dodge the droplets and are in and out between showers. I'm also very new garlic and I had the same concern but as stated they find it sooner or later then sup it down.

Anyway welcome and enjoy your bees
just one more question for it obvious when syrup is starting to go off? I threw out the syrup I took off them in case it was going bad and washed the feeder, but it looked and smelled OK. I do have some more made up and in the fridge.
I'm like you.

Got my first bees yesterday evening and put a litre of 1:1 syrup on top of the crown board, dribbling a bit down through the Queen excluder to let 'em know it was there - well ok, more than just a bit.

Anyway, tonight in between rain showers, I've just lifted the roof to examine the rapid feeder and not a drop is missing so far as I can see.
I hadn't thought of trying fondant, but I'll bow to greater wisdom and wait.

As for syrup going off - I don't know for certain but it seems unlikely because of the high sugar content.

The only problem I can foresee is fermentation.

I'm pretty sure you'll smell it if that starts happening.
Give them time, they will take it when they find/want it. 1:1 will start growing bacteria 2:1 doesn't as much, keep everything clean and make fresh
keep an eye out for mould in the syrup if they don't take it quickly, usually black spots in syrup if it does.

i've been adding a chamomile tea bag,and a dash of thyme (use a tea strainer) (and a drop of tea tree oil to stop mould) to mine when the water's hot then adding the sugar a few minutes later, they seem to like it lol
quick update to my last post

quick update

The bees are now taking the syrup - what a relief! :)
Try and resist the temptation of opening up their hive too much. We have all done it because we are keen to check all is okay. I am sure they will be okay but each time you crack the hive open they are loosing warmth. Trust the bees and check them in about a week, if we get a warm dry day!
Try and resist the temptation of opening up their hive too much. We have all done it because we are keen to check all is okay. I am sure they will be okay but each time you crack the hive open they are loosing warmth. Trust the bees and check them in about a week, if we get a warm dry day!

could be next year before we get another one of those!
keep an eye out for mould in the syrup if they don't take it quickly, usually black spots in syrup if it does.

i've been adding a chamomile tea bag,and a dash of thyme (use a tea strainer) (and a drop of tea tree oil to stop mould) to mine when the water's hot then adding the sugar a few minutes later, they seem to like it lol

I bet your bees are a joy to handle, as it is a well known fact that chamomile has a calming effect ;)
I just checked my feeder today as there's a rare day of sunshine and they had taken it all. Hopefully if the weather turns nice next week they will finish drawing out those combs in the BB and I can take the syrup off.
As mentioned on another thread, I've had to treat one of my colonies with Fumidil - the warm weather we get between the deluges has been making things very humid down on the Daarzet coast, and they've got a touch of nosema. Will they take the syrup? Pah! Tried dribbling it between the frames to no avail. (They're still out and about between the showers and there are loads of flowers herabouts so I can understand the disinterest.) Am considering spraying them with the mixture - anyone tried this?

You have removed the supers before doing this.

And re-queened I take it.

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