I give one helping of 10kg.
There lies a big difference. Well, not really.
My 'helping' is a kg. BUT I will not be thinking of feeding the full colonies (with a whole box of stores) until Feb at the earliest, so, for me, 10kgs would simply not get used. Their '10kg' is already in the brood box.
The nucs may need some, but, again, they were simply too heavy to run out of stores this side of the end of January. One or two of my weaker ones may need a little, but never 10kg.
I would be making thin sugar syrup with it, come March! If I were to lose a full colony because of 'isolation starvation', I would be surprised. Sorry, yes, but they would not be in the gene pool next year. That is one advantage of 14 x 12s - plenty of stores and plenty of space for the bees to move up. The usual scenario is they eat towards one end of the box and can't get to the other end. With extra stores in the bigger box, one side will be enough until I check them.
One big feed at this time of the year (if they need it) is sensible.
Regards, RAB