Bee's cleaning out the 'wet' super in our garden.

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New Bee
Apr 23, 2009
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Just incase anyone is interested....


We left the supers out in the garden at the weekend, after extracting them. That was on Saturday and we haven't seen a bee for days but then yesterday (Thurs) they found it.

leaving honey/supers out for bees to clean out spreads disease.

Stop it NOW !

Bees from anywhere will rob it out and bring all their diseases with them. Glad you dont keep bees near me.
what do you do then? would you put them within the apiary?or back in a super above the brood?

Does nobody heed the warnings on the forum.

Just shows the level of thought applied to the subject by some.

Sorry, but rediculous.

I would remove it from youtube before any others copy your folly.

I should be getting bees this spring and after seeing some of the mistakes that others have made I am glad that I took the first year to learn
Not only will bees rob out the wet supers it can also cause robbing of other weak hives in the apiary along with the disease it can spread
Communal feeding must have the same danger (a large amount of food in a drum for a whole apiary to feed on)

I have seen commercial beeks do this on television.

surely communal feeding is no better (or worse) than leaving wet supers out in the open...

... not a practice I would want to try as am sure it would attract every wasp in the neighbourhood
Communal feeding must have the same danger (a large amount of food in a drum for a whole apiary to feed on)

I have seen commercial beeks do this on television.

surely communal feeding is no better (or worse) than leaving wet supers out in the open...

... not a practice I would want to try as am sure it would attract every wasp in the neighbourhood

were these programmes of American origin?
Ouch, harsh words but point taken. Thanks for pointing out my mistake.
Harsh words! but sound advice:laughing-smiley-004

Better placing super over crown board with feed hole open This way, bees from one colony will clean it out, and repair uncapping damage whereas bees from all over fight ,tear into the comb and leave more damage!

John Wilkinson
Dont be to down Matt Browne you would have helped plenty of people thinking of doing the same thing.
Its a funny old thing this forum peoples mistakes helps others we often learn more from mistakes.
It is a mistake I have made myself... :blush5:...inadvertently, but the risk is the same.
Plenty of mistakes made by all at one time and another. Stacks of wet supers thought to be bee tight and then only to discover a small hole dough.