Bees are busy this morning

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House Bee
Mar 13, 2010
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Cornwall uk
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Loads of pollen coming in. One type seems to be a bright orange colour and some bees are collecting a muddy brown / dark tan colour pollen. Any idea what they are collecting?

In the garden are dozens of daffodils but they seem to be ignoring them to fly further afield.

If it is a nice day, is it worth a hive inspection or would you suggest just putting pollen patties on?
Very early for a hive inspection. If there are flying bees and pollen going in, there is nothing you can do apart from heft/top up fondant/pollen pattie. Leave well alone.

Even if you did open them up and find them to be queenless (or whatever) there is chuff all you can do about it!
Agreed re. inspection: don't bother just yet. It's nice to see them out and about but they're still very vulnerable at this time of year.

Mine are going crazy today: seem to be collecting mostly orange crocus pollen.
I knew all those bulbs I planted would come in handy!
Also hazel and some kind of ornamental thing, nice-smelling, two gardens down. A bit like witch hazel, but not quite the same. Whatever it is, it appears to be producing nectar as well as pollen, which is interesting for this time of year.

Queen bumblebees have woken up!

Let's hope we don't suddenly get a really vicious frost/snow period later in the month.
Nice to see them out flying.

I think the most important is that this flight did cleaning and started to gather pollen necessary for growth of juveniles. This will ensure proper development of the colony of bees and honey for us later.:)

miere de albine
Also hazel and some kind of ornamental thing, nice-smelling, two gardens down. A bit like witch hazel, but not quite the same. Whatever it is, it appears to be producing nectar as well as pollen, which is interesting for this time of year.


My guess would be winter flowering honeysuckle. (Palest cream flowers on a messy twiggy shrub?)
Can people stop banging on about inspections!!!

Yes, it was a nice, mild, spring-like day today but no it isn't the end of winter yet!!! For all we know the worst could still be in-store for us. Indeed, there are snow flurries forcasted mid-week in the south. There is no point in doing any inspecting until late march at the earliest.

I did see a Q bumblebee harrassing some terrifyed spectators at the rugby today!!!

Ben P
:iagree: From my records the earliest inspection date I can find is 12 March - and I am 300+ miles further South than most forum members.

Patience people, the cranes have started flying North again so Spring IS coming

Can people stop banging on about inspections!!!

Yes, it was a nice, mild, spring-like day today but no it isn't the end of winter yet!!! For all we know the worst could still be in-store for us. Indeed, there are snow flurries forcasted mid-week in the south. There is no point in doing any inspecting until late march at the earliest.

Ben P
Hi everyone. I've been down to see ours and they are out too. Bringing back some creamy white pollen and I spotted some orange/brown pollen too. We have only been inside to change the fondant in early Jan, but it's amazing to see them again :)
Ahh, thank you Louise. I did wonder. They seem to be spending a lot of time hovering and facing the hive too, which is lovely to watch. Are these young bees?
Sounds like young bees orientating themselves, so that they will be able to find their way home when they get to go out to play.
Yay, that's what I thought! I got something right again.....I might actually be a proper bee keeper one day lol :D