Beekeeping Newbie - HELP...!

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In that case, using my "what would I do?" criteria, obtain a copy of Phil Chandler's "Barefoot Beekeeper", and go from there...
There are free plans for TBH and Warré hives available to download, and it's entirely possible to build your own for a few quid (with minimal woodworking skills), and if you populate them using swarms, they can be as little as "free" or in this area, a tenner to the swarm collector for petrol......:coolgleamA:
There are lots of ways to keep bees so try and get out this season and visit as many different beekeepers as possible, including those running Top Bar Hives. Warre might be harder to find but worth a look although I am not personally sure they are suitable for towns as swarm control is difficult if not impossible and showering your neighbours with swarms is not a good idea - I've done it and brought the traffic to a halt outside my house on at least two occassions. I've learned to control swarming since then but then I use conventional hives where this can be done. The only person I know with Warre hives is surrounded on 3 sides by fields.
Thanks everybody. Feeling good about your comments :grouphug:

Keen on working with wood (I'm a landscaper) and I carve canoe paddles, spoons, cups etc. Big fan of our trees (got married amongst the trees) I'm sure I could put my hand to hive construction/repair. Yup - Barefoot Beekeeper is probably up my street. Thanks for that.

Only 4 more days till lesson 2 ! I'm ready for it now :boxing_smiley:

Thanks all...........hc

(The dog is my almost 5 year old Springer called Chasca. She constitutes a 3rd of our landscaping "work force" and is a fully fledged canoeist and wild camper. Will have to train her off bees though! :leaving:
one sting and dog will know not to go near hive. my pointer/lab x is a lively thing (understatement) but he won't go near the big boxes is the gardens.