Beekeepers suit poll

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How many times a year do we get a thread about the best bee suit? The answers are always the same, BBWear or Sherriff, save when "ventilated" is added into the question, when it's Ozarmour or Old Castle Bee Farm.
Can people not see what's at the top left of the page, beneath the daisy. Perhaps it should be highlighted.

Sorry to put you out. Mind you you could have just ignored my post if you find it monotonous. So should I go to the top left of the page and ignore the rest of the forum in future? Kinda defeats the object of a forum, don’t you think. But like I said in my OP I have used the search engine. Tally ho
If you’re not happy to be stung then I wouldn’t advise becoming a beekeeper...........

Bit like going swimming and expecting not to get wet.

Find your local association apiary & get involved there (when this **** storm has blown over). Then you’ll get a feel of what it’s all about. They’ll even lend you a suit while there I’m sure so no outlay before jumping in. Beekeeping isn’t for everyone.

Ummmm! I hate getting stung but I have kept bees for 40 years! It is possible to cut down the chances of being stung to a negligible amount and enjoy keeping bees.
Sorry to put you out. Mind you you could have just ignored my post if you find it monotonous. So should I go to the top left of the page and ignore the rest of the forum in future? Kinda defeats the object of a forum, don’t you think. But like I said in my OP I have used the search engine. Tally ho

Well said, new people like to ask questions if you don't like answering them then don't!!!!
Thank you Enrico, I’m trying to learn as much as I can via this Forum and books recommended on this Forum. I’m finding it a very useful in trying times. Your a good one Enrico. Thank you
Have been stung on the arm today through my Sherrif bee suit. totally my own fault as i usually wear long sleeves underneath. Arm really sore and swollen but I will live.
Agree that its nice to read the forum and join in. Especially at the moment. Keep on asking questions everyone.
its alright saying google it but google doesn't wear bee suits, that's why so many people ask questions rather than google they want honest appraisals.
Sorry to put you out. Mind you you could have just ignored my post if you find it monotonous. So should I go to the top left of the page and ignore the rest of the forum in future? Kinda defeats the object of a forum, don’t you think. But like I said in my OP I have used the search engine. Tally ho

I gave you my opinon despite the repetition as nauseam. However thorn makes a good point. A lot of the questions which are asked have been asked almost annually (some even monthly) and the search facility would have brought up the answer.
It would be a shame to find a brusque response finds others employing the ignore poster facility.
I really like my ventilated Old Castle Farm jacket.

I did find yesterday while stood in a swarm that three bees made their way inside my jacket. They must have landed on my trousers and walked up. Something to bear in mind.

I prefer jackets for quickness. Might get a full suit just in case.

No stings though!
I’m just starting, and due to the Covid my classes and associated bees have been cancelled. But I have got my equipment and my suit arrived yesterday.

After watching a few reviews on YouTube I wanted a ventilated suit, and the Swienty one seemed rugged and comfy. Not too pricy at £140 either, I know the BBWear ventilated one is over £300.

First impression, comfy, easy to get on, nice adjustable cuffs, and it stops in its own helmet.

Do it stop stings? Bugg3red if I know.
I'd try buzz bee wear or the oz armour if I had time to wait to get one shipped.

Have the old castle sentinel, yes it's cooler and comfortable, but the gloves are shocking as is the assistance you will get after order is placed. My cheap leather gloves are far superior.

Does save you from sweating though, I also note I have been stung through it when in shorts and t-shirt however due to the thickness it wasn't able to take hold no swelling just a tiny pin prick feeling for a while, so that part is a success
My bee suit is from Old Castle Farm. Mrs Beersmith has one from Sheriff. I wear nitrile gloves. Mrs Beersmith has leather gloves.

In two full seasons Mrs B has not been stung at all. I have sustained a few stings but only on my hands, usually when a bit clumsy or inattentive when handling frames, but none on any other part of the body.

A good suit is well worth the money.
Wow! I’m blown away by everyone’s response.
I’m so glad I started this thread as I’m much wiser for doing so.
I can’t thank you all enough for your great advices. I am drawn towards the Oz Armour, it looks great value.

Thank you. BBB
Great thread
Have 2 full bee suits, Sherrif and Oz Armour, both for me have advantages and disadvantages.
The Oz great in hot weather stay cool, but bit heavy.
The Sherrif has a few advantages :-
British made,
Always very helpful on the phone
Lot clearer veil important when looking for eggs
Large rings on the zip fasteners, great in an emergency
Comfortable to wear
Had a cheap suit once, was useless, now in 6 inch square pieces, great for cleaning the .410
Thank you Enrico, I’m trying to learn as much as I can via this Forum and books recommended on this Forum. I’m finding it a very useful in trying times. Your a good one Enrico. Thank you

The search function is not always as effective as it might be ..

If you use a standard google search (in google) it often throws up a number of threads relating to what you are seeking. I just did a google search for "best bee suit UK" and the fourth item down the page gives you this:

Best Value bee suit? - Beekeeping Forum › showthread Location: uk.
bj sheriff or bbwear - Beekeeping Forum 10 posts 7 Aug 2011
Best bee suit - Beekeeping Forum 10 posts31 Mar 2014
Bee suit for beginner - Beekeeping Forum 10 posts26 Sep 2019
New Beekeeping suit - Beekeeping Forum 10 posts 11 May 2018
More results from

You can go straight into the relevant thread.

I'm not discouraging anyone from asking a question about anything but a read through of relevant previous threads might give you some good information and throw up a less general question than 'what's the best bee suit' .. perhaps look at the various attributes of the different suits that are availabe.

I've had a variety of suits - cheap and better ones. I've tried traditional veils and fencing veils, there are pockets on some I like a lot, zips on others that I've hated. I've had full suits and just jackets - I've even tried separate trousers with jackets. My latest jacket is a Castle Farm Hives Sentinel Pro one - I didn't initially like the traditional veil version so bought a fencing veil .. now I've warmed to the traditional veil. Is it perfect ? - not quite but it comes close .. there are things about it I like a lot - could it be improved - perhaps, just a bit ..

You will always get better and more thorough answers on here if you ask a specific question about something.
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The one thing about asking the question again (and again) instead of just using the search facility is that something may have changed since the last time the question was asked, just on the subject of suits, if you look at a thread from just two years ago it's doubtful you will find a mention of Old Castle farm - or Ozarmour.
In reply to those who say just use the search facility, why don't we just not bother with this forum at all and just buy a first edition of Digges....or 'the hive and the honeybee'..........or Huber.............or even 'the feminine monarchie'
Great thread
Have 2 full bee suits, Sherrif and Oz Armour, both for me have advantages and disadvantages.
The Oz great in hot weather stay cool, but bit heavy.
The Sherrif has a few advantages :-
British made,
Always very helpful on the phone
Lot clearer veil important when looking for eggs
Large rings on the zip fasteners, great in an emergency
Comfortable to wear
Had a cheap suit once, was useless, now in 6 inch square pieces, great for cleaning the .410

The sheriff sound like it wins hands down and I would always choose a British company wherever possible. Could I ask is your sheriff suit a ventilated one?

thank you to everyone who has taken the time to respond to this thread, I personally have taken a lot from it.

Thanks guys. BBB