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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
How do you feel about being referred to as a beek?

I for one immediately think of a black bird with a yellow sharp implement on his head ready for that worm to err.

Frankly I hate it, it's lazy, it is not what I am, and I rather find it rude.

I am a beekeeper or apiarist.

Sorry if you find this picky or pedantic but it just gets up my nose.

I don't mind in the least. It's better than being called late for dinner. :)
How do you feel about being referred to as a beek?

I for one immediately think of a black bird with a yellow sharp implement on his head ready for that worm to err.

Frankly I hate it, it's lazy, it is not what I am, and I rather find it rude.

I am a beekeeper or apiarist.

Sorry if you find this picky or pedantic but it just gets up my nose.


Be thankful you don't live in Liverpool or the word you send you in a blind panic :gnorsi:.

Sorry Peter S . apologies from a woolly back :boxing_smiley:

John W.
Well sort of - WHS, :iamwithstupid: :iagree: etc

I have accepted it as "general usage" (although it's not my favourite)

in my (albeit limited) experience it is only used on internet forums (fora?).

I have never heard it used in real p2p conversation either by beeks/beekeepers/apiarists nor by anyone (non-Beek/etc).

IMHO it is one of those shorthands that is going to stick! (Like it or not)
I hate it and try never to use it. Its funny that only beekeepers use it. Non beekeepers wouldn't have a clue what a beek is. Its lazy and pointless.
Actually - while we are at it...

It gets on my titsnerves when people use "bee" (instead of "be") at every possible opportunity as if its really really funny.

It has beecome a bit of a beete noir beecause its beeen overused :beatdeadhorse5:
victor is this something i should be aware of........ after living in liverpool for ten years i have not heard it. you got me worried:auto:
How do you feel about being referred to as a beek?

I for one immediately think of a black bird with a yellow sharp implement on his head ready for that worm to err.

Frankly I hate it, it's lazy, it is not what I am, and I rather find it rude.

I am a beekeeper or apiarist.

Sorry if you find this picky or pedantic but it just gets up my nose.


Couldn't agree more Poly Hive - it's nearly as bad as being referred to as a "Brit"- as you say -just lazyness.
i'm perfectly happy with it and have used it both in written and spoken form. in fact i personally love the idea of "the beek society"!!!!
I don't mind beek. I don't mind people referring to the bees as 'girls' either. I don't like it when non beekeepers hear you are a beek and go into a long speech about how they hate bees and wasps and describe their waftings, the paving over of their gardens and use of insecticidal spray. It makes me so mad. I just want to walk away from them mid conversation.:cuss:
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As a Brit Expat Beek I prefer to be called an Apiculteur (Apicultrice for the ladies):biggrinjester:

It is the "text speak" that I have a problem with - some I have translated but some have me baffled:mad:
As a Brit Expat Beek I prefer to be called an Apiculteur (Apicultrice for the ladies):biggrinjester:

It is the "text speak" that I have a problem with - some I have translated but some have me baffled:mad:


IGMC! :coolgleamA:
been called at lot worse! It does not phase me at all... I don't consider it an insult.

My first name is Andrew (long story!), my name is Peter which is shortened to Pete or 'PB'. None of these abbreviations offend me either
I have no problem with it at all. It is after all simply a natural abbreviation. If simplified 'common use' names de-mystify a subject or make them more accessible for others to understand then there's nothing wrong with it.

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