Bee Theft

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Drone Bee
Jan 4, 2011
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Today while I was at the Stoneleigh scramble I got talking to a beek who lives just outside the M25 and we got on the topic of Bee theft. He had just had a few Nuc's stolen from his Apiary. I began to wonder how these thieves find all the apiary's.

Then it dawned on me... BeeBase! Anyone can look at the bee map to see if there is diseases in a given area and locate Apiary's that have been examined clean or not. Thus given the bee thief a map of where to hit.

Does anyone else think that there may be a better/secure way of plotting diseases in a given area. Or should they stop showing the map and just email you if there is a diseases within 5k of your Apiary?
I've just looked at my entry on the BeeBase, and the map doesn't zoom in nearly close enough for it to be a concern, to me at least.

If you look at my little dot, the dot itself covers about a 2 mile radius.

With that said - my bees live in my garden, I suppose if you had your bees in a more "obvious" place, such as a farm, it could be easier to spot them.

Whilst anyone can register for Beebase, only those registered can see the map - so it isn't just anyone who can see the map just like that.

But yes, perhaps it is something that they should look at changing - these thieving scum don't need any help!
I think the Bee Base maps are based on 5km squares. But I guess these at least give an indication of where to start looking.
I think the Bee Base maps are based on 5km squares. But I guess these at least give an indication of where to start looking.

I am able to use BeeBase + Google Earth to locate other poples Apiary's close enought that if you had a drive around the area im sure you would be able to spot the hives.

Maybe if they just showed infected Apiary's. Im sure it would slow these thiefs down. I dont think they would turn up if they thought you had AFB
Not really thought about it too much but we dont need any more reason for people not to register on Beebase. Personally I think it should be compulsory, maybe others would also if they had AFB near them and weren't warned. Bear in mind that most people who dont register also dont belong to any group and may not have contact with other beekeepers or disease inspectors. They also may not have a clue about AFB/EFB so could become the cause of it spreading.

Just my opinion.
i used to think its was just bee base but there are many many other ways.

as a simple thing i drove past a town in suffolk and saw half a dozen bee hives right next to an island some were nationals and there seemed to be a few smiths too. all of which could have gone in the back of my car and been set up in brum three hours later as there is a layby at this island
i used to think its was just bee base but there are many many other ways.

as a simple thing i drove past a town in suffolk and saw half a dozen bee hives right next to an island some were nationals and there seemed to be a few smiths too. all of which could have gone in the back of my car and been set up in brum three hours later as there is a layby at this island

bet I know exactly which ones you mean.....

town beginning with a "T"?

if it's the ones I'm thinking of, I travel past weekly, even the fence is broken right by the apiary
yep, I've been seeing them there for past few years! ( we are on about the same ones, I think)
tickles me, cos there's one hive that looks like it's got a woodpecker hole plugged with kitchen roll (mind you, that may just be my eyes playing tricks as i trundle past...)

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