Bee poo on house windows and cars

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Jan 24, 2018
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Bosham, W. Sussex
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Something I've never seen mentioned here or elsewhere is the problem of bee poo raining down on a wide area around the hives.
My hives are 50m away from the house but the windows (and anything around)are continually dotted with orange waxy blobs that are difficult for the window cleaner to remove. Even worse my car (and probably those of neighbours) is often covered with them if I don't put it in the garage. It was terrible last year when there was a field of OSR in front of the house, but it's still annoying. Doesn't anyone else notice this?
If you follow BS Honey Bees /Daniel Bates on Twitter he recently posted a letter from the council threating formal action as a statutory nuisance following a complaint about bee poo. Some serious clipboard wielding going on there by the officer involved!
Not sure it would stand up to appeal if they did serve a notice but who knows?
Washing hung out on an early spring day seemed a favourite target when I had bees in the garden.
Sh1t happens.
There was a mini development of a few houses built opposite a bee farmer I know, he soon had similar complaints. They never came to anything.
When I had bees at home, their flight path was up out of the trees and over the house and every car in the street had little yellow spots on them.
I wouldn’t be to sure there’s nothing they can do, if a nuisance can be proved I’d think they can take action. Proving anything though could be difficult and time consuming.
I have a clematis still in full flower all round my black van which is covered in bee poo at the moment. It washes off in the rain!
To constitute a statutory nuisance it must :
  • unreasonably and substantially interfere with the use or enjoyment of a home or other premises
  • injure health or be likely to injure health
As i don't think bee poop is going to injure health it would need to be proved that the yellow dots interfere with the use or enjoyment.... This would be from a typical persons viewpoint not taking into account any particular sensitivities of the complainant (i.e they polish their car every day and it is their pride and joy). Even if satisfied that it is interfering to then prove it is some bees from those hives 120m meters away would be difficult.
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I wonder how many people launch statutory nuisance complaints against birds pooing on their cars and windows... and whether their solution would be to cut down all the nearby trees and hedges with nests in them 🤔😅
One of my neighbours runs a drain clearing company. His fleet of vans all have bumper stickers with the message "**** happens". Seems quite apt.😎
My neighbours get their cars covered (as I do). I bribe them all with free honey.
No complaints (and they buy more honey)
Win win.
Another storm in a teacup from someone with more time on their hands than they should. Where I used to live we had a burner on a farm that deposited ash over everything in a wide radius. Just couldn't be a r s e d in the end as when it rained bye bye ash.
Can I sue my neighbours then for all the cats sh*tting in my veg beds?? Have to keep them covered all year to stop it…..
A suitably situated trap will catch the cats... I use a squirrel trap (for squirrels). Next door neighbour (ex farmer) has a fox trap (and a shotgun for humane killing of said foxes). Ideal for cats if suitably baited.
Edit: I am not advocating killing cats.
A suitably situated trap will catch the cats... I use a squirrel trap (for squirrels). Next door neighbour (ex farmer) has a fox trap (and a shotgun for humane killing of said foxes). Ideal for cats if suitably baited.
Edit: I am not advocating killing cats.
We did catch a cat in our squirrel trap...... It was not a happy bunny! I frequently have to release hedgehogs from them too but they also do what they are put out for..... Catching rats!
I've started putting my neighbour's cats' faeces back into my neighbour's garden.
That made me laugh. Thank you.
Reminds me of the usual retort on social media when somebody posts that their neighbours complain of bees stinging them.
I wonder how many people launch statutory nuisance complaints against birds pooing on their cars and windows... and whether their solution would be to cut down all the nearby trees and hedges with nests in them 🤔😅
That has happened twice here
Once for starlings in a longcrow of trees twixt houses and industrial estate and again for pigeons between supermarket and homes.
Chainsaw massachre.
Trees were there for decades/centuries before the buildings in both cases
That has happened twice here
Once for starlings in a longcrow of trees twixt houses and industrial estate and again for pigeons between supermarket and homes.
Chainsaw massachre.
Trees were there for decades/centuries before the buildings in both cases
That would make me so angry. I’d spend weeks trying to think of some retribution and drive myself mad before Stan knocked some sense into me

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