Bad Weather coming for the South of England

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It's a tragedy when anything causes a death but one of the storm victims was on the Cobb at Lyme Regis taking photographs of the waves breaking over the Cobb .... and the 14 year old boy was 'swimming with friends 10m off shore at Newhaven' ... I ask you is that rational behaviour ?

There are some incredible photos here: (And some lunatics in some of them who should seriously have their brains tested !). The emergency services often bear the brunt of people's outright stupidity.]

Not usually a fan of the Daily Mail but they have got some amazing photos here ...
Darwinism in action
The Wind sock at Shoreham airport has been shredded, just the ring and a couple of little bits of cloth left, thought they were designed to be in windy weather.

A couple of yachts at the Shoreham club were being craned back upright when I drove past this morning.

Quite a few trees down on the tracks leading to my hives but both sites are ok no losses.

What was interesting was we had a sudden influx of field mice into the house you could hear them squeaking under the stairs, very late as they normally arrive early October to hibernate. Not sure if its one of the pleasures of living next to fields.
Wasnt too bad in Norwich.

Little bit of sun this afternoon. About 14c.
Kind of you to say so Bill. The reality is that it'll be a bit windy and will probably rain a lot, but it won't be anywhere near as bad as some of the predictions.

At 6 this morning I was about to reply “I agree” but then it all changed for approx 30 mins with very strong winds. A tree came down a 100yards up the cut just missing a boat my mooring pins were been pulled out and had to get out and sort them and secure an extra rope and just as I did that the boat behind me had a mooring rope break so had to sort out that boat and all the time thinking the trees next to my boat shedding small branches are bending somewhat and perhaps not the best place to be right now.
It was a bit of a worry for a few mins but soon settled and no surprise to learn that some of the damage reported in west London happened around this time of the morning.
If you look really closely, you can just see the outline of the adulterer.

Eh? Have I missed something? :spy:

Here - a few trees down, but they fall down every so often anyway. Probably fewer accidents than usual because everybody stayed indoors.
photographs of the waves breaking over the Cobb .... and the 14 year old boy was 'swimming with friends 10m off shore at Newhaven' ... I ask you is that rational behaviour ?

Aye and it would be some of my mates out there risking their own lives trying to find him

The Wind sock at Shoreham airport has been shredded, just the ring and a couple of little bits of cloth left,

Nothing worse than having your ring in tatters - got to be careful with some of these hot curries
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Aye and it ould be some of my mates out there risking their own lives trying ti find him

Nothing worse than having your ring in tatters - got to be careful with some of these hot curries

That's my sort of curry haha
"What was interesting was we had a sudden influx of field mice into the house you could hear them squeaking under the stairs, very late as they normally arrive early October to hibernate."
They don't hibernate, the stay in, enjoy your free heating and chew your wiring... deal with them
Wouldn't get too celebratory, our long range forecast has another storm on the horizon for next Weds, but things can easily change.
Wouldn't get too celebratory, our long range forecast has another storm on the horizon for next Weds, but things can easily change.

Yes, there is a potential for a depression hitting us here next Sunday with some quite strong north westerlies but early days yet!
Yes, there is a potential for a depression hitting us here next Sunday with some quite strong north westerlies but early days yet!

Don't worry !


Wait for the rainbow :D

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"What was interesting was we had a sudden influx of field mice into the house you could hear them squeaking under the stairs, very late as they normally arrive early October to hibernate."
They don't hibernate, the stay in, enjoy your free heating and chew your wiring... deal with them

They are being delt with, bought a very large amount of mouse bait for them to nibble on, always do in the autumn for them.
Dpearce4, glad to hear you survived 8ft below sea level and 150m from the sea! We had tents blown into our garden, a fallen tree hanging on a telephone wire over the road and various old trees crashed over. Sun in the afternoon though :)
Thank you margo. we were lucky it wasn't as bad as they feared, we had neap tides so they wernt to high. even though there was some overtopping and you could see the wave size on the news just down the road in brighton.
My step mother who lives near heathrow had her car crushed in the garage
Her Neighbours Larch tree went through the roof of the garage, £8000 of damage to the Car, it was 5 weeks old and had 450 miles on the clock
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