Asian Hornet

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The bee's have been out again today, the weather is very very mild, however it was like this in 2005 until the 19th of Jan then it turned very cold down to -15c here, It did not get above freezing until March!!!

So keep everything crossed and the "eau de vie" to hand
Good news for people in Charente that have them nesting near them this year.

Michel Boutant, le président du conseil général de la Charente, vient de déclarer une lutte sans merci au frelon asiatique, le fameux vespa velutina, qui semble se plaire en Charente depuis plus de deux ans. Le Département a décidé de consacrer, dans un premier temps, 75 000 euros à la lutte contre la bestiole «pour prendre en charge les frais de destruction des nids, qui représentent de 80 à 200 euros selon la taille et la hauteur du nid»

Basically 75,000€ is being made available in the Departement of Charente to destroy Asian Hornet nests.,1083666.php

It's a start.

It's a start.

Is there any national co-ordination?

It seems a bit late to try and put the genie back in the bottle. Especially if different Départements can choose whether to do nothing about it.
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Is there any national co-ordination?

Not that I know but this is typically French, many things are decided upon and financed at the Departmental or Regional level. In some ways there can be benefits with this way of working. Nationally with the elections coming up Sarko has his head wedged so far up the right wing / hunter lobby nothing else counts.

Chris, the SLAA (Societé Limousin Apicole & Avicole) have told us that we must be putting out hornet traps now, before 1st May, to catch the Asian queens before they build their nests. Apparently all Mairies' are being told it's their duty to do so. Friends in Montbron, (Charente) have received a newsletter from the Mairie telling them they must now put out traps for the Asian hornets. This looks like it's going to be a year for all out war on Asian Hornets. Apparently it's to try and protect the European Hornet, which is being overun by the Asian.
None of the keepers I know round here have mentioned anything about this and I haven't received any information and like all things French I'll believe it all when it actually happens, not when they talk about it.

The problem with the traps is they will kill as many European Hornet queens as Asians plus large numbers of other non target species. I prefer to swot them with my plastic racquets, not seen any yet this year but they should be out imminently. Hopefully the big freeze may have killed some of the hibernating queens as well.

Nothing from the 'crats in the Dordogne but the Association is advising traps from now until May.

No sightings so far of Asian or European hornets or wasps come to that, plenty of bumbles though:)

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