Asian Hornet - Update

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I was thinking more of catch and release into a matchbox for identification. The racquet might have to come later
I wonder what the beekeeping supplies companies will call said badminton racquet so as to charge a fortune for it.
Most people will probably get this from the NBU, but, this is for the benefit of anyone who hasn't seen it.

Following the finding of Asian hornets in Gloucestershire last week we have received a large number of suspect Asian hornet reports from members of the public and beekeepers which we are following up. Bee inspectors have now visited over 100 sites. Asian hornets have been seen at just six locations within 500 meters of the original site.

Efforts to track down the nest and destroy it are ongoing. There have been no other substantiated reports of hornets anywhere else in the UK so please be patient while we continue our field work and be assured that when appropriate, national alerts will be sent out via our email alert system. In the meantime, our news feed on BeeBase will be used to keep everyone updated.

Please also see the updated ID sheet to help you Identify Vespa velutina in your apiaries: At this time of the year, the best bait to use in traps is fish bait diluted to 25%

Please continue to monitor your own apiaries using hornet traps and encourage those whom you know are not registered on our database to sign up.
To unsubscribe to these updates, follow the link below.
Kind regards,
National Bee Unit.
Most people will probably get this from the NBU, but, this is for the benefit of anyone who hasn't seen it.

Following the finding of Asian hornets in Gloucestershire last week we have received a large number of suspect Asian hornet reports from members of the public and beekeepers which we are following up. Bee inspectors have now visited over 100 sites. Asian hornets have been seen at just six locations within 500 meters of the original site.

Efforts to track down the nest and destroy it are ongoing. There have been no other substantiated reports of hornets anywhere else in the UK so please be patient while we continue our field work and be assured that when appropriate, national alerts will be sent out via our email alert system. In the meantime, our news feed on BeeBase will be used to keep everyone updated.

Please also see the updated ID sheet to help you Identify Vespa velutina in your apiaries: At this time of the year, the best bait to use in traps is fish bait diluted to 25%

Please continue to monitor your own apiaries using hornet traps and encourage those whom you know are not registered on our database to sign up.
To unsubscribe to these updates, follow the link below.
Kind regards,
National Bee Unit.

I have apiary's on three sides of the 'hot zone', and so far only seen natives.

'fish bait'!?! = Mackerel, ragworm, maggots or a goldhead blob??
Thanks for that B+ even though I'm on Beebase I never get these emails. They have my email addy..... just checked
Thanks for that B+ even though I'm on Beebase I never get these emails. They have my email addy..... just checked

Came through to me about ten seconds ago - although I did have a long chat with our SBI member last night.
They will find it when the leaves have fallen from the trees and it is empty.

Probably!! :facts: it might be just one of these classic ones that even if they find it, its right at the top of a 30 meter high tree, hidden the canopy. over here they just say their inaccessible. Shotgun works well!!
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I have apiary's on three sides of the 'hot zone', and so far only seen natives.

'fish bait'!?! = Mackerel, ragworm, maggots or a goldhead blob??

I think they mean like powdered fish protein or similar that has a strong smell. I've been told you can use rotting meat and rotting fish, but i tried rotten sardines, caught a lot of blue bottles !!!!
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I'd be tempted to use maggots as bait.
Yes .... just got my identical email.
I went into Beebase wiped my email and re-entered far so good :)
Well what a day, I honestly cant believe it, I'm actually controlling my hornets. All thanks to the tip from Richard Noel, a small modification to treating and in one apiary I have gone in one treatment from 10-12 hornets per hive (40 ish hives) to around 10-12 hornets per apiary, a few more treatments and I will be hornet free.

Another apiary, with 2-3 hornets per hive, maximum of 3-4 hornets per apiary.

After losing the end two very strong hives to hornets to say I'm happy is a massive understatement.

I'd be very confident I could get rid of the small problem in Tetbury!

I have called and emailed the NBU but not had a reply!
Well what a day, I honestly cant believe it, I'm actually controlling my hornets. All thanks to the tip from Richard Noel, a small modification to treating and in one apiary I have gone in one treatment from 10-12 hornets per hive (40 ish hives) to around 10-12 hornets per apiary, a few more treatments and I will be hornet free.

Another apiary, with 2-3 hornets per hive, maximum of 3-4 hornets per apiary.

After losing the end two very strong hives to hornets to say I'm happy is a massive understatement.

I'd be very confident I could get rid of the small problem in Tetbury!

I have called and emailed the NBU but not had a reply!

:hurray: Arise Lord Velutina not worthy
I have called and emailed the NBU but not had a reply!

If it's about Fipronil I can tell you they ...or at least one SBI I talked to ....are not interested and refused to discuss it further
Horses and water........ pleased you're getting somewhere
Do Hornets also hunt wasps? (Karol?)

These very poor photos were snipped from a cameraphone video taken from one of my hives (my first built hive!). The sun was to bright to see screen, and was one of those pull the phone out of my pocket and shoot type videos (that's my excuse anyway!).


This non-Asian hornet was hanging around the hive for a while trying to pull out defending bees



In the end, the Hornet took a wasp in the air, and after a very brief struggle flew off with it. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If hornets hunt wasps, the focus of the Asian variety could be hunting around the countless wasp nests in the area?!?

Also, do Vespas suffer with CBPV?


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Karol would probably advise better than me, but only last week there was post on Facebook of someone filming a common hornet outside a pub , eating a wasp, the film proves it. What i want to know is, was it the starter, with a main of scampi and chips to follow!!
Seriously though it seems common hornets are really on the predation more and more, or is its were just filming the evidence more. Ive seen about the same amount of common hornets this year hawking in front of may hives, just like your pics Peteinwilts

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