Are our bees 'enslaved'

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Don't know about slavery or not but without me feeding my bees last summer they would be dead so I think us beeks can't be all bad. Would like to point that out to the lady.
not a great argument IMHO.

Perhaps not from that angle, but quote CCD to them and that B*ayer finally removed one of their nasties from the almond crop and some of them (if sharp enough and not totally bigotted) could make a connection. On second thoughts, in your particular example it sounds as though the latter in brackets applies.
Anyway there was a show on the local radio a few years ago where they invited a vegan onto the show.
Part of his spiel was about bees and he said that honey was not eaten by vegans as the bees were destroyed to get the honey.

And that's how the myth is perpetuated - if all bees kept in skeps were destroyed to harvest the honey, how would beekeepers have had livestock for the next season?

As for my bees being enslaved - I think it's probably the other way round. I take some of their honey in return for providing them with a warm, dry, home and doing my best to make sure they survive - and it doesn't come cheap!
And that's how the myth is perpetuated - if all bees kept in skeps were destroyed to harvest the honey, how would beekeepers have had livestock for the next season?!
Bees were killed by the skepists in order to remove honey ! However swarms were nurtured and over Wintered as next years honey providers, hence the old rhymes referring to to usefulness of the swarm depending on the month it issued :)
There are many ways to don't kill the bees in skep and take honey. Killing isn't necessary. But the other side many of them are really harsh..
you can't beat the vegetablists for weird views as to why erveryone whose not like them is wrong and bad. poor pasty faced devils .
Humans have had a significant impact on the wildlife at least since they started farming. About 6000 years or so round here. That includes felling the ancient forest that provided natural nest holes for honey bees. Along with taking away or reducing the habitat for billions upon billions of other animals and plants that would be living there. All to make room for slave species like wheat and turnips.

Human impact continues to provide all the food along with other goods and services used by vegans just as much as the rest of us. Veganism is one of a number of arbitrary lines drawn around a few select things where humans have influence over everything else. It's applying human society values such as slavery or cruelty to make distinctions and that is extending anthropomorphism to areas where it doesn't make any sense.
Not far from truth. Beekeepers using skeps destroy the colony to get honey out. However keeping bees in skeps is not so common anymore.

They may have been sometimes, but can equally be driven into a fresh skep, thus greatly reducing waste. I've heard it said that the idea of killing the colony was put about by the early promoters of frame beekeeping to show why their way was better.

you can't beat the vegetablists for weird views as to why erveryone whose not like them is wrong and bad. poor pasty faced devils .

Speaking as a vegetarian of some 30 years standing... I never argue my point unless invited to- or if someone starts having a go at my views, in which case I consider them fair game.

And far from being a poor pasty faced devil, I am in fact incredibly good looking, in a rugged, Robert Redford sort of way.

Human impact continues to provide all the food along with other goods and services used by vegans just as much as the rest of us. .

It would be difficult to vegans to live in our countries without aeroplanes and cold trucks which carry fresh vegetables from warm countries.

And then it is said that food production spoils the nature of production countries and they use "slave workers" in they business.

Folks love to play social games like "isn't that awfull!!!" and it reaches its peak "when I went to doctor".

We have hundreds of hectars greenhouses empty because roses and other flowers are produced now in Kenya or in Columbia.

Plants grow here under electrict lights. At same time light gives the heating energy.



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Speaking as a vegetarian of some 30 years standing... I never argue my point unless invited to- or if someone starts having a go at my views, in which case I consider them fair game.

And far from being a poor pasty faced devil, I am in fact incredibly good looking, in a rugged, Robert Redford sort of way.


:iagree:Have been a 'veggie' for 20 years I cannot be regarded as pasty faced at all, in fact quite the opposite.
Maybe, just maybe, vegetarians and vegans range from ordinary people to pasty faced fundamentalists, and everything in between.

Probably in a similar way to BeeKeepers?

The twaddle one nut spouts, isn't the view of all etc etc. but then as calm rational people, we all get that. I hope! :)
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Yes mine are, I've even hand crafted tiny chains for them and if they don't work I beat them with a tiny whip then send them to the hole! and if you listen carefully you will hear them singing slave songs. :reddevil:
Don't know about slavery or not but without me feeding my bees last summer they would be dead so I think us beeks can't be all bad. Would like to point that out to the lady.

Careful she may just ask if you removed honey from them during the previous year