Anyway there was a show on the local radio a few years ago where they invited a vegan onto the show.
Part of his spiel was about bees and he said that honey was not eaten by vegans as the bees were destroyed to get the honey.
Bees were killed by the skepists in order to remove honey ! However swarms were nurtured and over Wintered as next years honey providers, hence the old rhymes referring to to usefulness of the swarm depending on the month it issuedAnd that's how the myth is perpetuated - if all bees kept in skeps were destroyed to harvest the honey, how would beekeepers have had livestock for the next season?!
Bees were killed by the skepists in order to remove honey
But the other side many of them are really harsh..
Best answer I've heard.Can't be bothered to read article but does she also refuse to eat the crops these "slaves" pollinate?
Human life had not much value 100 years ago, - either
Not far from truth. Beekeepers using skeps destroy the colony to get honey out. However keeping bees in skeps is not so common anymore.
you can't beat the vegetablists for weird views as to why erveryone whose not like them is wrong and bad. poor pasty faced devils .
Human impact continues to provide all the food along with other goods and services used by vegans just as much as the rest of us. .
Speaking as a vegetarian of some 30 years standing... I never argue my point unless invited to- or if someone starts having a go at my views, in which case I consider them fair game.
And far from being a poor pasty faced devil, I am in fact incredibly good looking, in a rugged, Robert Redford sort of way.
Don't know about slavery or not but without me feeding my bees last summer they would be dead so I think us beeks can't be all bad. Would like to point that out to the lady.
Hydroponics working well in Finland Finman