Apitraz treatment dosage uk commercail hivesize

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Field Bee
Sep 22, 2017
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5 commercials no more😭
Ive decided to order some of this instead of apigard, in case im living in area where varroa are resistant. Upon reasearch there are some descrepancies regarding uk dosage as they dont advise for uk national or commercial hives sizes. Has anyone used this on their commercial hive. What dosage did you decide on?
Ive decided to order some of this instead of apigard, in case im living in area where varroa are resistant. Upon reasearch there are some descrepancies regarding uk dosage as they dont advise for uk national or commercial hives sizes. Has anyone used this on their commercial hive. What dosage did you decide on?

If you haven't already read this, you may find it useful (http://www.nationalbeeunit.com/index.cfm?sectionid=110)
Ive decided to order some of this instead of apigard, in case im living in area where varroa are resistant. Upon reasearch there are some descrepancies regarding uk dosage as they dont advise for uk national or commercial hives sizes. Has anyone used this on their commercial hive. What dosage did you decide on?

Not commercial but 14x12
I have 2 strips in one

Mites are not resistant to Apiguard but it might be too late in the season anyway
Thanks for all the advice. I did contact the supplier and they sent a leaflet telling me the stuff i already know ie: the dosage for every hive type it seems except national and commercial! What the leaflet did say which confused me further is. No you cant put it on the brood frame. But then later says they must reach the brood area. Sorry to be a bit slow here, but im interperating this as. Put in supers at frame 3 and 7 and ensure the length of strip is correct for hive depth so they go all the way down to just above the brood box. I am also worrying that wrong and it should be placed in brood box but on frames 3 and 7 so near the brood but not touching them. Sorry to sound dense but i am a beginner and our group has had its last meeting till nov. I know its a good time as my brood area is small atm so the timing fits to do it now. Any advice would be wonderful. Thank you
A commercial is roughly the same size re brood cells as a 14x12
I have put my strips in between frames 3 and 4 and between 6 and 7. That was two days ago. The bees are still alive and the mites are dropping

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