Because your original question is about tools and not any other bits and pieces, with the home apiary, it's usually just the hive tool and the smoker. Anything else I need I can get at fairly easily. Most stuff is in the beekeeping vehicle and there are many things in there ...probably dozens of different things, and I've used them all at some point in the apiaries. The further I need to travel, the more I tend to take, so it probably depends on how far away your out apiary is. At times I'll bring a chainsaw, a tent, sleeping/cooking gear and even a spare colony! Essentials down here include at least five litres of water in case of fire from the smoker and/or a small fire extinguisher. I also have two epipens, a roll of gaffer tape, a water spray bottle, a few newspapers, smoker fuel as well as bacterial disinfectant. Things like spare boxes and frames, excluders, split and demaree boards, floors and lids also are carried, but of course I'm getting out of a list of tools now and more into equipment. Things like a drill, a few drill bits, screw drivers, a sharp little knife, spare hive tool and a decent little pruning saw are always there.