Someone may jump on me, but....
Labels are easy. Thorne's, for instance, would advise if you buy from them. Requirements are clear and you simply need to check every point, carefully. Very carefully! Certainly should be able to be legal without getting Trading Standards involved, other than following their codes and conditions.
Your extraction and bottling set-up: A basic food hygiene qualification should suffice to start with. That should mean you are capable of doing it right. Therefore when the Environmental Health check you out, everything should be complied with quite satisfactorily. On a larger scale, does anything change? No, not really. You should not need to take greater care with a larger operation than if you were bottling a few jars for friends and local sale, should you!?!
Of course it pays to be up-front with them and get checked out before starting, rather than them finding you by tracking back from a complaint....
BTW can't sell 'creamed' honey now, I think. No cream in it! Not sure if the term 'cremed' can be used but 'soft set' dscription fits for the EU PC bods.
OK to sell wax as 'beeswax' as long as it contains 25% beeswax though? What rubbish!
Regards, RAB