Actually he was looking for opinions which would include personal observations?
I was looking for beeks experiences and opinions..
This season I've had two colonys swarm one Amm f1(cbayhoney) and a Italian mongrel queen which I've raised my self last year.
I've demared three colonys and had to split numerous colonys as a preventative for swarming.
My thoughts and observations are that my Amm stock produced lots more swarm cells conpared to my Italian mongrels.
Even my demaree colonys were the same when comparing both types.
My Italian mongrels have built up quicker and have been about the same for stability, temper.
Honey production has been less from my Amm bees.
Im putting a picture up of three colonys they are local Italian mongrels and they have been my third in line for honey production, and have been split three times (6 frame nucs)
The parent colony have produced 2 supers of none osr spring honey and now have 4 supers on, which until a week ago was being capped and maybe will need a 5th.
The first nuc taken on the 4th of May has now one super, both the first nuc and parent colony have been split again in the last few weeks.
I know the observation concerning honey production doesn't have anything to do with swarming but I still wanted to post my findings.
AS JBM has said I'm still a youngster and have relative limited experience..
Thankyou for your replys and information you have provided.
Ps.. Apologies for not replying sooner, I've been so busy with work.