I have Black Bees (AMM) and a few Hives with a slight Mongrel % (mixed with AMM.)
To date they have been fantastic Bees to have here in the Scottish Borders.
I'm very lucky to have the well known "Chain Honey" Bee Farm near by. OK approximately about x25 Miles due South/East of me.
I am just North of the English Border. And these guys are not far from Berwick-upon-Tweed.
I highly recommend anybody interested in AMM to take a trip to Chain Bridge. Listening to 'Willie Robson' talk to our Bee Assc was fascinating. And visiting his Honey Farm was something else.
I've Pre-Ordered some Black Bee Queens [AMM] from a Breeder in Northumberland : a bit further South than Chain Bridge.
(Chain Bridge I think is more of a Commercial Beekeeping Company that I'm not sure can help the Amateur Beek with Queens etc ?)
Anyhow. . . Sure someone on this Forum will know for sure.
I've decided I want to up my Black Bee % by 'Buying in some BB Queen's come June '24. . .
To date I have found these Bees and their associated Colinies are amazing, good workers and, as "Hard as Nails."

OK, through buying Hives locally, you get a bit of 'Mongrel Genes' amongst them. But they bring in the Honey, survive Winter well. (So far so good in x3 Years of having them.) Did lose a Colony back in November. But that was a Hive for Sale, aka Equipment, and you got the Bees 'in them.' Unknown source being a lured in "Swarm."
Colony was doing fine but I guess the Queen 'failed'? Hive is full of Stores. Dealt with and kept safe.
Will do another full Hive Cleansing and Sterilisation come Spring.
And introduce one of my over Wintered Nuc Colonies of Black Bees.
Maybe this time next Year I will have had some more pure Genetics to call upon, off these Breeder Queens. And can increase by Black Bee levels generally.
As a starting Beek, in a City, near a huge Botanical Gardens across the Road. Buckfast Bees where thought the way to go. Everybody suggested these, and these alone.
That was in the 1980's (prior to the V.M being in the UK.)
Now decades later. And in a Rural region of the Scottish Borders, I decided to go with Black Bees.
Todate it has been a wise choice.
Hear occasionally via the local Bee Club, those starting out with Buckfast Bees then start to have issues. Losing Colonies or they don't thrive well. (Our locality is harsh in its environment and available Resources )
I'm sure many on this Forum have Buckfast Bees and really love them. And that they do brilliantly. But I guess you need to get Bees that suit your own location...
Best wishes to all Black Bees.