OK, here is the full situation. from the bottom of the hive up. Floor, entrance, super, BB,QE,BB, entrance, super.
I know, it's a bit wierd but it's a long story involving 2 swarms. One settled well, one went in, came back out, went in, swarmed again into a tree. Came back to hive, beareded for 3 full days. Went back in. Was inspected 3 weeks or so later. no Q. Decided to unite 2 'large' colonies. Later inspected, found brood above and below the QE! Decided to add a secon entrance as it was a long way from the basement to the attic.
Went in to inspect the other day. from top down...
super - drawn out
BB loads of honey reserves, no brood, 80% capped,
BB - this is when they freaked out so I dodn't get to inspect for Q, brood etc
Is it worth noting that they are very sticky. Propolis gluing everything together
Can I get the honey from the BB or not worth bothering?
No varoa treatment