Advice please re wasps in my beekeeping equipment

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May 11, 2022
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Wasps have found their way into my bee keeping shed and are eating the wax from my spare brood and super frames from last year. Any advice on how to deal with them? I've tried blocking the cracks I've seen them hovering at and there isn't an obvious nest inside.
it's raining here, is that a good time to try and remove my kit?
advice on how to deal with them?
Remove the kit whether wasps are there or not: they will not bother you even if they're flying in the shed.

Are you sure the wax is eaten? Doubt that wasps would bother; more likely they're scraping the last residue of honey, and that comb damage is collateral.
into an old freezer
Switched on or off? If on, beware that frozen comb is brittle and will shatter easily. Aim to buy a freezer with a 500mm square interior, to hold boxes complete. If off, spray with BTk to avoid risk of wax moth, esp. if you're storing brood combs.
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Wasps have found their way into my bee keeping shed and are eating the wax from my spare brood and super frames from last year. Any advice on how to deal with them? I've tried blocking the cracks I've seen them hovering at and there isn't an obvious nest inside.
it's raining here, is that a good time to try and remove my kit?
Thanks all for advice.
Sorted for now.
Sadly no room for the extra day :)
spray with BTk to avoid risk of wax moth
What spray do you use? I have just found that a stack of poly hive parts (even new unused) have been eaten/borrowed though by wax moth. At the beginning of the season they were smoked with sulfur & stored clean; wrapped in plastic. But wax moth have chewed through quite a bit.

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