A proper amount of smoke

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...'for more information contact Penn State Agricultural Extension'.....

yes, that is if it hasn't bloody burnt down.

the man's a pyromaniac

He probably gave up smoking only to get the big C from all that smoke.

In fact I think he could be the cause of CCD - all that smoke in an apiary would make any colony run for the hills

Lunatic !

This obviously a time saving tactic why smoke one hive when you can do several at the same time
Don't you smoke ahead? I certainly do. Gives the bees time to fill up and settle down. I usually smoke five or so in advance.

phew! well lit I must say, one big fog :eek:, I think I would be docile and heading for cover in the honey pot too!
On the plus side, that's the entire apiary smoked and ready to go, if the film carried on another 20 seconds you see his entire legion of hired hands run in and each open up a hive and start inspecting :)

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