1st or 2nds cedar

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New Bee
Oct 18, 2019
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East devon
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Hi everyone

I'm having to look into bumping up my supers ready for this season as I'm aiming to have 4 supers per hive just incase...better to be safe than sorry and being my first year I've been told to have at least double what you expect just incase.

Anyway, I've been and done all my broods in 1st grade cedar from thornes and wondered if 2nds are actually any good for the supers or is it best to stick with sticking on 1st for these as I have been trying to stay away from 2nds as someone told me the knots will cause issues and if 2nds arnt too bad which supplier comes highly rated, as C.wynne jones, abelo, bee-equipment are just some of the ones I've seen currently

I have bought approx 100 boxes, all 2nds and never had a dud!
wondered if 2nds are actually any good for the supers or is it best to stick with sticking on 1st for these as I have been trying to stay away from 2nds as someone told me the knots will cause issues and if 2nds arnt too bad which supplier comes highly rated, as C.wynne jones, abelo, bee-equipment are just some of the ones I've seen currently


Second quality just means the cedar has been sourced in the UK not shipped halfway around the world (so already a much smaller carbon footprint) and the finish won't be quite as good - although if you listen to Tom Seeley this may actually be of benefit to the bees.Whoever told you knots were a big issue was talking rubbish.
I have quite a few hundred second quality Maisemores boxes (both deeps and shallows) and have yet come across a reject, I can only recall one where the fix was as simple as gluing back a small dead knot that dropped out which would have afforded an alternative entrance for the bees.
Thanks everyone, by any chance with the 2nds do you paint or use linseed oil as they may have some knots in, as people say with 1st grade you can just leave the cedar as is?
Thanks everyone, by any chance with the 2nds do you paint or use linseed oil as they may have some knots in, as people say with 1st grade you can just leave the cedar as is?

never painted or oiled mine - another myth
never painted or oiled mine - another myth

That's nice to know, another thing which had been worrying me! I've been and looked and maismore dont have any 2nds! The only place I can see are neither C.wynne jones or abelo, have you tried these?
If thinking of doubling up on gear, it is more important to double up on basic
Hive stuff, that is, floor brood box crown board and roof, so that you have the gear for dealing with swarms. Don't forget spare frames and foundation. Basic hive components are always cheaper in the sales, but few of those at this time of year. I got through my first year with the two supers that came as standard with the packs that I bought and topped up in the January sales

In your first year, it is unlikely that the colony would build up strong enough, to fill 4 supers, but is always possible. You could always just extract supers as they finish them and put them straight back on.
That's nice to know, another thing which had been worrying me! I've been and looked and maismore dont have any 2nds! The only place I can see are neither C.wynne jones or abelo, have you tried these?

never tried Abelo, CWJ are good
The reason you haven't seen any with Maisemores or Thornes is they only sell them during conventions, their on site sales or their winter mail order sales
Seconds are great personally would not buy anything else. There is the odd knot but a quick once over with a little weatherproof pva or my new favourite expanding gorilla glue and it’s job done. I do like to give them a couple of coats of sadolin classic and they are bulletproof for years. Whilst others have suggested not painting I do find some of the seconds have a very pale sponge like soft wood in the very odd patch. Over time if exposed this can shrink and cracks stain/preservatives help. Also if I go outside to a stack of boxes I can tell those that are coated and those that are not, untreated boxes are heavier with moisture!! I’ve cleared enough old sites to see a difference, and never paint!

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