1p a litre thats 4.6p a gallon

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I'm rich again !!!



that means on my landrover 90 V8 efi, when i put it back together with its new long range tanks i will save £1.10 per tankful, so it will now only cost me £144 to fill up

so i save the price of almost a whole litre of extra of petrol , must think were i could take the landrover on the extra milage on that litre with an urban mpg of 14mpg or 2.5miles per litre
I used to work in a garage which had a petrol forecourt attached. I occasionally would have to fill cars on one occasion after the budget I thought I was going to be lynched when petrol had been put up half a pence per gallon

that means on my landrover 90 V8 efi, when i put it back together with its new long range tanks i will save £1.10 per tankful, so it will now only cost me £144 to fill up

so i save the price of almost a whole litre of extra of petrol , must think were i could take the landrover on the extra milage on that litre with an urban mpg of 14mpg or 2.5miles per litre

You need a vehicle that does 14mph? Or just want a vehicle that does 14mph?:)
OH well.... back to my Bat Bike... at least I can charge it up on Economy 7 cheap rate electricity at 4p Kw/H !
And what about that extra £48 per year us tax payers will be getting, that was a really worthwhile budget this year. win win all the way. I am rich beyond my wildest dreams. I shall treat my self to a mars bar.
There are two types of people in the world those who moan about budgets and those who do something about it.

Which are you?
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What a fantastic day, the sun is out, the bees will soon be out and I have an extra 1p litre off a gallon on top of the extra 3% that I already get.

PM me to find out how.:driving:
And what about that extra £48 per year us tax payers will be getting, that was a really worthwhile budget this year. win win all the way. I am rich beyond my wildest dreams. I shall treat my self to a mars bar.

Be thankful that you're earning enough to pay the tax in the first place. I like your signature "I started out with nothing", clearly not, if you're paying £48 LESS tax now.
And TESCO have INCREASED the pump prices to cover the LOSS they are making due to TAXATION REDUCTION
.................no more 5p off per liter vouchers is you spend £50 instore?????????????

Thanks ConDems... the party for wealth creation and privaledges FOR THE FEW.....

not for me any you then!!!!!!

Price of sugar will go up again!!!
Well, instead of criticising :cuss:- what would you do to reduce the outpouring of debt repayment we have EVERY day to rectify the s...e that this government found themselves in.

They are in a no win situation. I would be tearing my hair out...and yes- in wrong dept of the forum...
Go gas......... its nearly half the price of petrol...

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