Best time of day to put swarm in hive ?

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bee bee king

New Bee
Jun 25, 2014
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Hi there caught a swarm yesterday from an allotment but didnt have the hive put together so bees overnighted in box with q ueen excluder overit (still in situ). Hive now built but do how and when do I introduce bees to hive. Last time I did same day by tipping bees out onto board leading up to hive in the evening when they were a bit calmer. Now I find this warm weather has got them very active inand out box.
Advice please.
plenty of sugar water. remove a few frames. chuck them in. frames stright back in then leave a bit for crown board. they will fan entrance.
i never do board method risks queen flying off, its just for the voyeurs among us
weather wont mater just take longer to settle.
I have always hived swarms after 5pm and just tip them in. Often the weather is too poor or the ground too wet to walk them in..But then I am only in my fifth season so still have a lot to learn.

I also close the OMF by putting in the bottom board: the one time i did not (I forgot : the hazards of senility), they got all uppity and it took me 2 days to get them to stay in the hive rather than under it etc...

One swarm (which turned out to have lost its queen) still absconded into a nearby nuc and killed the queen...And then tried to kill me as well by following etc.. I requeened asap with total success..
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thank you for your reply. I have not fed my other bees anything so donty know what i should do. The feeder goes inside the hive on the board. what ratio water to ordinary sugar ?
Thank you all who posted to me Its nice to know we can call on some sort of support and advice as its only my second month. I will opt for dump in the hive in the evening and put quenn excluder on top of brood box and crown board on that then roof. By the way I have still got queen excluder above brood box on other hive after 5weeks is this okay ?
above.............. ive never put one below the brood box. Should i do that to the new swarm hive to keep queen in ?
Perhaps for a day or so' until she has brood, not as a strategy. So why do you have one under the crownboard? Are you worried about holes? Assuming an OMF, cover the holes. And I thoroughly recommend a clear crown board.
I think ive confused the situation. old hive has from bottom to top;
brrod box
queen excluder

Just to clarify you think i should put excluder under brood box in new hive to keep her in for a few days.
unless its a massive swarm you shouldnt need a super yet?

Err yeah I put that in by accident...well on the advice of someone who I thought knew what to do. However its been in there for a while now so I've just left it as the bees did swarm 3 times from this hive in the first few days and didnt want to disturb them.
So apart frtom me getting the super in to early is that the right stacking .
Only huge swarm I had like that was one of my own. Dumped them in a 14x12 box... within 3 days decided to put on a super as they had drawn all the foundation and were stuffed in.... in another 3 days all the foundation was drawn in the super and put another super on.

Tiger hive!

Good luck.
above.............. ive never put one below the brood box. Should i do that to the new swarm hive to keep queen in ?

The danger of doing this is if the swarm has a virgin queen - she needs to be able to fly to get mated.

Don't need a Queen excluder until you put supers on.
Err yeah I put that in by accident...well on the advice of someone who I thought knew what to do. However its been in there for a while now so I've just left it as the bees did swarm 3 times from this hive in the first few days and didnt want to disturb them.
So apart frtom me getting the super in to early is that the right stacking .

Bit puzzelled by this. Unless they don't like their new home bees should only swarm if they have capped queen cells - this can't happen in the first few days. Dis you catch the swarm?
Bit puzzelled by this. Unless they don't like their new home bees should only swarm if they have capped queen cells - this can't happen in the first few days. Dis you catch the swarm?

Yes I caught the swarm tuesday afternoon at the allotment about 10 mins walk from here. I got them into cardboard box and put quenn exluder on till all the bees went into cboard box. I then walked it home in the eve and put them in position where new hive will be and left quenn excluder on, this stayed like this for 14 hours while i built hive and now swarm are in hive with queen excluder below brood box.

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