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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. T

    Bee 'allergy' - I had to smile.

    surprising how many think any reaction means allergy. I had a conversation recently when collecting a swarm where the chap described an incident where a lad had been 'attacked' by a whole swarm, been stung all over, went into anaphylactic shock ...... oh yes, it took a whole hour before he...
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    Honey Bee on Magic (leaf) Carpet ?

    If this uploads I'll be amazed! But it might be a leaf cutter bee on her magic carpet! WOW, I'm amazed :)
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    Something to make you smile

    Returning to the original post - that looks amazing :) aren't they beautiful? Good luck sorting out a way to collect them and keep us posted hopefully with pics of the mission :)
  4. T

    Pollen id? select the simple flower icon on the left - not a definitive list but very helpful
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    Fake Honey

    A pity there is not a picture of the products to look out for - my memory for product names is pretty poor but I will certainly try to be aware - never heard of fake honey before!
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    what % of a frame should be capped before extraction

    our assoc has an annual nosema evening when they set up several microscopes - one linked to a laptop for clear pics - and members can bring a sample of bees and test, very interesting and informative. I had the dubious honour of a colony showing the highest infection level and my slide was...
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    Where to buy Butter Muslin

    have you tried the bay of the e? I don't know how prices compare but the food and drink category has some
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    Marking and Clipping

    I have selected neither mark nor clip but that is inexperience and cowardice - I think I will probably mark in future years.
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    spare equipment

    three hives.....dedicated fridge...... smug :)
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    Allergic reactions to bee stings

    kaz that is interesting - I'd be a bit miffed that your Dr isn't taking it seriously - it doesn't have to bother them - it's bothering you! can you request an allergy test so that hopefully the bees can be crossed off the list of suspects? Confidence is such an integral part of beekeeping you...
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    what do you do with your honey cappings

    I think if cleaned/dried they are supposed to be a handy hayfever remedy - chewed and swallowed (or not) but the pollens etc contained are beneficial for building immunity :)
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    Allergic reactions to bee stings

    rats - I thought of that and then forgot to add it! can it be edited to add that option?
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    Allergic reactions to bee stings

    Following on from a recent thread about allergic reactions to bee stings I am interested to know how many have bad reactions and how these manifest themselves....... I will try to cover as many variations as I can :) I'm sure I will miss out an interesting option, please elaborate on responses...
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    I thought maybe I was being cynical - I'm glad I'm not alone with this sort of suspicion. There would surely have been nurse bees/some non-fliers left etc surely if they had absconded?
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    D- Go to the bottom of the class. Rubbish beekeeper alert.

    thanks - just thought it looked like a handpump pressure spray and I thought it wouldn't keep spraying long enough for me to manage the awkward manhandling that operation looks to be..... one to ponder
  16. T

    D- Go to the bottom of the class. Rubbish beekeeper alert.

    okayyyyy how is spray operated and how are the bees then made to drop down the pipe? It obviously works - the proof is there to see, but I'm not working it out :)
  17. T

    Should I check the bees in this weather? this thread is a cautionary tale! :)
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    Charity Auction result

    Congratulations :)
  19. T

    Very busy swarm

    sorry nothing useful to add - but lucky you getting what sounds like a handy asset. I will be interested in seeing the constructive advice :)
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    D- Go to the bottom of the class. Rubbish beekeeper alert.

    It it worth considering investing in a small, easy-up gazebo for inspections in wet weather during the swarm season? If it isn't too cold and they wouldn't get wet would that be a feasible solution? I know we have been on pins sometimes waiting for a break in the weather to inspect.......