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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. drumgerry

    Are our bees 'enslaved'

    Now who's indulging in petty sideswipes? I thought you wanted considered discussion. "Flowery meadows"? I choose to eat meat which is raised in a responsible and humane way. You seem to be undisturbed by the monoculture issue. I am. I think there is a wilful ignoring of this issue on the...
  2. drumgerry

    Are our bees 'enslaved'

    I thought my point about vast mono-cultures sustaining vegans' foods of choice was very well considered actually. I'd be interested to hear a considered argument in favour of that.
  3. drumgerry

    Are our bees 'enslaved'

    Doesn't biodynamics use animal dung as a central part of it's method? Anyone who thinks veganism is a sustainable way to feed the world is living in cloud cuckoo land.
  4. drumgerry

    Are our bees 'enslaved'

    Beekeepers have become dependent on the use of synthetic pesticides and antibiotics to combat pests Substitute the word "vegans" for the word "beekeepers". The absolute stupidity with which vegans view the world astonishes me. How do they feed themselves? Soya? Grains? Grown in vast...
  5. drumgerry

    Attendant bees with queen or not?

    I always remove attendant workers and put the queen into a jzbz cage in the passenger seat of the car. If the queen escapes in the process she invariably flies on to a window where she's easily caught . Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  6. drumgerry

    CbeeWing Morphometry

    Absolutely right. The UK is not a homogeneous mass when it comes to beekeeping. My conditions here in upland Speyside (very low colony density) probably couldn't be more different to those which exist in London. It never pays to generalise.
  7. drumgerry

    What would you do next?

    Can I recommend you take a look at the following link to an article written by Ian Craig of the SBA. He runs all his colonies on double brood and his advice might help you.
  8. drumgerry


    :iagree: Don't feed them if they don't need it. You'll just clog the broodnest with stored syrup.
  9. drumgerry

    Best of Luck with your Module Exams today

    I'm thinking I'll probably try Mod 3 as 1,2,3 and one other are needed for the SBA's intermediate cert.
  10. drumgerry

    Best of Luck with your Module Exams today

    If (fingers crossed) all went well yesterday I've got the choice of Mods 3, 6 0r 8 in November. Just the one this time though I think. Two at a time was a bit too much for me.
  11. drumgerry

    Best of Luck with your Module Exams today

    I found I needed more time for Mod 1 than Mod 2. Seemed to have a couple of questions in 2 where I didn't need to write as much. But every question in Mod 1 seemed to need screeds and screeds of info.
  12. drumgerry

    Best of Luck with your Module Exams today

    Sat Mods 1 and 2 via the SBA this morning. I think I'm right in saying they're the same papers set by the BBKA? Anyway, I was anervous wreck but I think they went reasonably well. Typically a fair bit of the stuff I'd learned off by heart didn't turn up.:rolleyes:
  13. drumgerry

    Books for Module 2?

    The exam is a week on Saturday. I'm not spending that for 10 or so days use! I'm thinking there are better texts for when I come round to doing Mod 3.
  14. drumgerry

    Could there be too many beekeepers?

    I think you've hit the nail on the head there Casualman. I have no problems convincing anyone that my clover honey and heather honey are a premium (and rare) product and they are accordingly willing to pay the prices I charge. We also sold heather honey in 1lb jars at our association's AGM...
  15. drumgerry


    Hmm...a mite too cautious I would say. If we stuck to that rule up here there'd be a fair few days in the height of summer that hives couldn't be examined. And at that time of year they sometimes have to be opened come hell or high water. Manipulation cloths are your friend for sure. Spring...
  16. drumgerry

    National hives from China

    I am pis*ed off at myself that I allowed myself to get involved with this. I'm not going to argue the toss with you. Life's too short. And I've wasted minutes of mine on this thread that I can't get back. And what the xxx is an ash-cart? Don't answer. I don't care.
  17. drumgerry

    National hives from China

    "With respect" - my a*se. With respect who wants to hear about your political opinions? I understand your discussion perfectly well. I have two university degrees and two postgrads - go patronise someone else. With respect you should take your discussion elsewhere. This was a thread about...
  18. drumgerry

    National hives from China

    Well I suppose you lot are boosting your post count. Can't see any other point to all this drivel.
  19. drumgerry

    National hives from China

    And there was me thinking this forum was about beekeeping. Maybe we should rename it The "Let'smoanabouteverythingandanythingforum"? This thread should be locked Admin.
  20. drumgerry

    Overwintered Ayrshire Nucs

    Maybe you should be describing these a bit better - as full colonies and including a hive. From what you've said they don't really sound like nucs as they'll have built up into full colonies by the time you sell them. £250 is a high price though - not one I'd be willing to pay.