Attendant bees with queen or not?

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I feel more confident when the attendants are removed but I've done both (with & without attendants) and so far from my limited experience they both work.

Sorry to hear about the squished queen :(
Ta iveseenthings, got another coming tomorrow, and got a plastic bag ready!! If it feels as though there is going to be any difficulty in removing the attendants I'll leave them in, and hope for the best.
I always remove attendant workers and put the queen into a jzbz cage in the passenger seat of the car. If the queen escapes in the process she invariably flies on to a window where she's easily caught .

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I now always leave the attendants in, & have never had a problem, the queen has always been ok.

To my mind it is less of a risk to do this than to try and remove the workers, lose/squish the queen/get stung/etcetc.

I did once let them all out into a bag and marked the attendants with a queen marking pen: one week later, they were all there bar one.

I love the way books tell you to "remove the attendants before introduction" but never tell you what you should do with them.

Sorry to hear about your queen btw.

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