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It isnt a good business if it doesnt yet exist.

Railways and canals werent built with borrowed money.

hmm i'd double check that .... shares are a form of borrowing...
see this
and even Julius Caesar career was started on borrowed money.
UK soveriegn debt goes a longway back... Henry II and earlier...
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oh yes they were!!
so was the acle straight, ( britains first PFI road)

Share holders. Investment...not borrowing.

Dont know about Acle straight.. Thought it was partly to give people jobs.
acle straight was so the owners of the new suspension bridge could charge a toll.
this saved carters several miles as they no longer has to travel via caister and filby to acle
So from that, one can only deduce that the government would prefer it if more businesses did not function.
Seems like things are going to plan for them.
If I were to be a cynic it would seem, to me, that our current leadership:

a) Only wants businesses that they have an interest in to be successful, and,
b) Wants a cheap labour supply.
Originally Posted by AnotherNewBee View Post
If I were to be a cynic it would seem, to me, that our current leadership:

a) Only wants businesses that they have an interest in to be successful, and,
b) Wants a cheap labour supply.

Back to wealth creation and privileges for the few.......

and now mums are having to work for 24 paid hrs a week instead of 16... methinks the likes of Tesco and other users of cheap labour will loose out ( Working Families Tax Credit changes... our local CAB are going to be busy!
I am not sure councils have a lot of leeway in this. A government organisation - Valuation Office Agency controls rateable value which is multiplied by a rate set by another government organisation - The department for Communities and Local Government.

At least that is how I understand things to work.

I would agree that lower rates would enable more businesses to function but it appears to be the government to blame not the local council.
One of the topics which has come up locally. The unintended (?) consequence of the uniform business rate introduced under Thatcher was that local councils have no interest in promoting or helping local business. They collect the rates but the amount is set centrally and goes to a central pool where it is redistributed according to a formula based mainly on population.

The basics are that the local council get costs such as road maintenance for access. They get no revenue. Net result is that they respond to complaints of noise or road traffic because there are votes in it. Pretty much every substantial industrial or commercial expansion is opposed because for a local council it's all downside.
acle straight was so the owners of the new suspension bridge could charge a toll.
this saved carters several miles as they no longer has to travel via caister and filby to acle
I didn't know that Tony.

And of course there is a request train station in the middle of the marshes, - Berney Arms, I think that's the only request stop in the whole of the British railway system unless anyone knows different..

The station at Berney Arms must be one of the remotest in England, standing as it does in the middle of the often windswept Halvergate marshes and two miles from any road access. To arrive there it is necessary to travel by foot, following the Weavers' Way from Halvergate or Great Yarmouth. Of course you could arrive by train, ensuring that you've informed the driver beforehand as stops are only made on request. The only other way there is to come by boat as many are inclined to do in the summer months. The station takes its name from the landowner, Thomas Trench Berney, who sold it to the railway company on condition that they provided a stopping place in perpetuity. The line itself still carries several trains a day between Norwich (Thorpe) and Great Yarmouth

As far as freezing fruit and veg is concerned, I was out last September / October time and very close to loads of houses (Bradwell) there were sloes, elderberries and blackberries in the hedgerows; there for the taking on a pleasant sunday afternoon. I had already filled up the freezer. Why was no-one taking these delicacies and storing them or stuffing their faces?

Back to beekeeping. Bees were out today. 5 degrees. Shat on the car.
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The various tax credits etc were just a cynical complex system of smoke and mirrors introduced by good old GB to produce/maintain a large part of the population dependent upon state handouts BUT without it showing on the balance sheet (a tax credit is a loss of tax revenue for HMG rather than expenditure as would be the case it it were "working families benefit" for example).

for once the lib dems have a good idea - just raise the personal allowance (whilst reducing top rate threshold).
and now mums are having to work for 24 paid hrs a week instead of 16...
to be able to claim tax credits....

Thats joint working hours for a couple..

Husband works and earns £?????? Wife doesnt have to work... She's a Mum.
They can still claim a hell of a lot of WTC whilst having an income up to something just over £40,000.

If you dont have kids you have to work 30 hours to be able to claim.

I'm waiting for the day when I can go into the post office, stick my pension card in the machine and say "all of it" , and then walk out whinging that I cant afford to have the heating on.
Whats the tax rate now?

When I started work it was something near to 35% after whatever amount it was then.
Why was no-one taking these delicacies and storing them or stuffing their faces?
because they cant do it whilst using a blackberry? and the bushes are not programmed into thier satnavs.
The various tax credits etc were just a cynical complex system of smoke and mirrors introduced by good old GB to produce/maintain a large part of the population dependent upon state handouts BUT without it showing on the balance sheet (a tax credit is a loss of tax revenue for HMG rather than expenditure as would be the case it it were "working families benefit" for example).

for once the lib dems have a good idea - just raise the personal allowance (whilst reducing top rate threshold).

Now that's a medical man's statement and from someone whose Union is so strong it is able to screw eye-watering salaries for the profession to the detriment of the NHS.

BTW, as said people on £40K can claim.

This means doctors, accountants, solicitors, dentists and a plethora of 'going to be earning a shedload' of State employees in the initial stages of their careers can claim - and do.

Quietly, of course - wouldn't want the great unwashed to become aware of their 'dependency' on benefits

That benefit was brought about by the lack of reasonable wages. It is very pompous of you to suppose the working man has any interest in filling out forms for benefit if he could make a decent wage.
And there was me thinking this forum was about beekeeping. Maybe we should rename it

The "Let'smoanabouteverythingandanythingforum"? This thread should be locked Admin.
And there was me thinking this forum was about beekeeping. Maybe we should rename it

The "Let'smoanabouteverythingandanythingforum"? This thread should be locked Admin.

But we're all bored because we cant go and delve around in the hives..:hurray: Shortly there will be a competition to see who can photograph the first bee bringing in pollen.
I think you'll find most doctors AREN'T members of the BMA - it serves it's own interests NOT those of doctors.

"the working man has any interest in filling out forms for benefit"

That's the other wonderful innovation of GB et al. - let claims/applications be made by phone with NO supporting evidence. Yes it's nice to make things easy for genuine claimants BUT no-one considered having a system of checks to stop fraudsters ringing up every 6 months to declare yet another pair of disabled twins.
a new German made motorhome.

They're good at those - used to call them 'Panzers'

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