Your beeswax... asset or liability?

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
Current exchange value for cash is £0.99 per pound from the market leader.

Pretty much rubbish me thinks.

However.... I can sell a candle at £2-50 which weighs 40z. So with the investment in the right mould and wick we are doing a bit better. £10/pound is a bit more attractive.

Then there is furniture polish of which I have sold thousands of tins. About an ounce of wax per tin selling at £4. Getting more interesting hmm?

The above as some sound financial reasons for harvesting your wax but there is a very good beekeeping reason too.

Bernard Mobus taught that bees in large colonies become "replete" and these bees begin the swarming process as being stuffed to the gunnels they drop out of the transfer of queen substance process. He thought that by giving these replete bees wax work to do they were kept more in the loop as they used the internal nectar store to produce wax.

I like wax. A lot. so I harvest it, a lot or did when I was producing extracted honey.

To get it I used Manley frames and as per Manley I used the uncapping knife to cut down the bottom bar. this however does mean a considerable amount of honey in the wax. Roughly a half of the combs weight in fact.

So how to retrieve the honey? Gentle warming and then run it through a spin drier running at 2800rpm and a fine a charm.

Then of course you soak the wax in water to retrieve the very last of the precious substance and have the beginnings of your mead.... Beekeeping should be a very thrifty craft, or is that crafty thrift?

Thanks for the interesting post Polyhive.

The spin drier is of particular interest and I'm sure you have mentioned it before.

Do you have photos of said contraption or plans or something to create a mental picture please.
I tried using a spin-dryer once... :rolleyes:What a fuss. Honestly, launderettes are *supposed* to be for public use....
Definate food for thought there. I've been looking into getting some candle making bits n pieces lately so this post is quite fitting, never thought I could get £2.50 for a candle thoughnot worthy

Thanks for posting
Every beekeeper should own and use a solar wax extractor, but why does no-one make and sell a low cost solar extractor? Th*orne's charge over £300 for theirs! Methinks there's a good business opportunity there....
Then of course you soak the wax in water to retrieve the very last of the precious substance and have the beginnings of your mead.... Beekeeping should be a very thrifty craft, or is that crafty thrift?


I don't drink, so mead is not the way for me. However the water from the washing gets thymol solution added and goes into a container ready for winter feeding.

I don't own one and haven't for over twenty years as it was useless in my location.

It is not a unit that will suit every location and so saying everyone should hve one is painting with just a little too big a brush.

It can be good in the sunny south no doubt.

There are other ways of cleaning wax.

I don't drink, so mead is not the way for me. However the water from the washing gets thymol solution added and goes into a container ready for winter feeding.


Does it not start fermenting before the autumn, Frisbee?
There are other ways of cleaning wax.


but could you give us some of the other ways please as i dont have a solar extractor and wont be getting one any time soon due to the cost.
Does it not start fermenting before the autumn, Frisbee?

Not if you put a thymol solution in it....which I do anyway in my feed syrup - 20g thymol in 50ml meths, mixed till thymol has dissolved. Add 1 teaspoon per gall. Sorry for the mixed measures.

Hivemaker adds leicithin to emulsify the mix but I can't say I have a problem with it separating, but there again I don't mix the quantities he does.


but could you give us some of the other ways please as i dont have a solar extractor and wont be getting one any time soon due to the cost.

have a search in the video section of the forum, PH has posted film of his wax machine!

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