Year long loan of bees

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Apr 3, 2009
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Hi all.

I'm looking at taking a year out and seeing a bit of the world in April/May and thus looking to loan my bees out for a year or so.

I currently have 4 colonies (winter dependant of course) which are in WBC's. There will be around 2 supers supplied with each hive and I'm just wondering what you would ask for in return for letting someone have the bees?

I would expect the same quantity of colonies back after but just wondering whether to ask for a % of any honey removed for example of if there's a going rate?

Yours, head scratchingly,

I think you should be thankfull if someone will look after them for you while away on your year off. After all what are the other options selling?. If someone takes them on for you as I am sure you know it takes a bit of running around and treating feeding etc along with the stress of looking after someone elses bees. On top of this they may/may not get any honey so in effect you could end up owing them money for being out of pocket if you see what I mean. No offence meant. :cheers2:
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Hi all.

I'm looking at taking a year out and seeing a bit of the world in April/May and thus looking to loan my bees out for a year or so.

I currently have 4 colonies (winter dependant of course) which are in WBC's. There will be around 2 supers supplied with each hive and I'm just wondering what you would ask for in return for letting someone have the bees?

I would expect the same quantity of colonies back after but just wondering whether to ask for a % of any honey removed for example of if there's a going rate?

Yours, head scratchingly,


Hi Rob
You need a friend who you can trust, with any pet sitting things can go wrong or lose a good friend , also you are asking for somthing back when they have spent time on them (if) it can become awkward what would you do if they got stolen or diseased , my friend loans out her horse when she went to University and had an agreement drawn up beforehand talk about complecated lots to think about its not like leaving you car on the drive

I suspect you are being a bit ambitious but you might be lucky. I wouldn't take on anyone's bees if there was a requirement to return the same number of colonies, all sorts of things could prevent that being possible. I suggest you will just have to find someone you can trust and offer them whatever honey they can get as a reward.

The WBCs will be a problem if they need to be moved. May be easier to find someone with empty Nationals to fill.

My suggestion would be to offer them for sale with bees and you may be surprised at the prices you will get at the beginning of the season. But they are WBCs...

Alternatively, find someone with a private wood and simply dump them there. They should still be alive when you get back in a year's time.
I would expect the same quantity of colonies back after but just wondering whether to ask for a % of any honey removed for example of if there'a going rate?

I think that part is the bit that sound a little cheeky. 1) I would ask them to care for your bees but you cant have 100% guarantee they will be the same, losses happen. 2) is it fair to gain from someone else looking after the bees too? yes they will get the experience from the year but you want your cake and then to eat it.

I would offer the deal and suggest the person could take a number of splits too, that way they have bees at the end of the year - 'the aim is you get back 4 colonies' but they dont pay for losses, they also keep what they produced in honey.

I think....
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Hi all.

After reading your thoughts I may have been a little expectant and getting the bees back in one piece would be more than I could expect.

Will have a word with a few of those in my LAN and a couple of friends I know who will have the time and passion to help out. May leave one colony alone where they are just to see how they get on too and check their survival instincts.

Thanks for your advice. Job done.
Sell the bees. Leave the hives with some old comb as bait. Come home to one or two new colonies next year if you are lucky?

You are intending leaving a bit early in the year to be selling the bees off as, say, eight strong nucs, but it might be possible.......

Regards, RAB
Over 12 months all bees except possibly the queen will have been replaced. So there is no need for emotional attachment to your bees. Sell them and buy more when you return. If you happen to buy back some of your old colonies then it's a bonus. But buying and selling prices should reflect time of year and colony condition and strength (a swarm in May......).
sorry but I would laugh you out of the bee shed for that one, Yes i could /would look after someones bees, BUT and its a massive but, unless your bees are completely disease free and have no varroa all your requests for 4 returns are very unjust, how can you give someone a diseased hive and expect quality in return ?? sorry but thats very off, yes i would look after your bees but the losses are at your risk not mine,

HONEY AND WAX CROP, this will be returned to you completly intack 100% return as will the hours and days i have worked time and tools used and your BILL to be paid for these hours!!!

do what the other have said sell the bees in aprill for loads of dollars and leave them open for a swarm to take hold of.