Hi Mex. I'm not having a go, each to their own, but why do you choose to wear as little as possible? I understand some people like to tempt fate.....that's what all this parachuting off tall buildings is about lol. Is it like that?
Do you ever wear trousers and a jumper instead lol ( just playing
You would never suggest a beginner to inspect with no protection though would you? Our mentor didn't wear a suit when he first took our group to a hive. One of my group then thought that if Mentor could do it, then so could he. He was always trying to get away with as little protection as possible, but I run a school hive, and insist that everyone is seen to be fully protected so the children are not lulled into a false sense of security around them. I thought maybe he got a kick out of the danger.
Anyway, he got his own bees recently and was stung quite a lot. He had to borrow a school suit while he ordered one lol. He's very upfront about it, and says it was his own daft fault, but lesson learnt now I think