When to remove/extract?

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I am about to do a first extraction this weekend. I have lots of balsam, heather, gardens and rose bay willow herb about so m thinking the bees will keep going for a while. I have ordered apiguard, but have very little varroa (have uncapped drone cells and found none). Should I skip the apiguard and see if I can get a second harvest? Have left plenty of stores for the bees. They are very very busy at moment.
What's wrong with MAQS?
I'm sorry, I don't know what MAQs is. I have been dusting them with icing sugar.
I'm sorry, I don't know what MAQs is. I have been dusting them with icing sugar.


Not magic fairy dust! might as well just bury an onion at a crossroads at midnight and make a wish.

MAQS - Mite Away Quick Strips - formic acid treatment, had good write ups thus far and a few hiccups. I'm not decided on it yet - just sitting back and observing for a few seasons.
It's the latest product for treating varroa. Will be trying for the first time shortly. Positives are that only takes a week to treat and doesn't taint honey so can leave supers on which is big positive over apiguard which I never found very successful and long treatment period. Negatives it isn't cheap plus some reports of supersedures and queen going off lay. Will try it and see
Not magic fairy dust! might as well just bury an onion at a crossroads at midnight and make a wish.

Sorry, JBM. You need to be more specific.

What sort of onion? Welsh leek?
Whereabouts at the crossroads?
Will any midnight be ok?
Do you need matchsticks?

That sounds good. When do I treat them with MAQs? Now?
I'm sorry, I don't know what MAQs is. I have been dusting them with icing sugar.

And having them for tea? Icing sugar is no substitute for good old fashioned vigilance and action, nowadays referred to as IPM.
Yes, me too. I think the problems came from people treating in 25ºC+ temperatures last year.

I like it in principle, but the shelf life is far too short. Am waiting for that to be extended, which I believe they are working on.
Well, they seem to like the icing sugar if nothing else, I dust them at end of inspection and it calms them down, as they focus on licking it off each other, so I can inspect the second hive. Haven't found any varroa on the drone cells I've uncapped to check so who knows...
Thanks for all of your helpful replies.

To those that think : " Your choice. Why bother to post a thread if you don't want to hear the truth. Of course you know better than us; you are a beginner, so you think you know everything". is not rude...well if you put yourself in the position of a beginner asking a sincere question, then maybe you would re-consider. When a beginner puts a post on a beginner's section he/she would take it as a common courtesy not to be lambasted in such a way. Those of a more gentle persuasion than me may be put off of posting again, or indeed put off of the idea of beekeeping? Of course this comment is in the minority and most people on this forum are very helpful, thanks.
Hello. I too am a new kid on the block!! Most of us-myself included are desperate to do everything correctly. I have only had bees since last year, but have had to learn a phenomenal amount. Extracted last weekend-2 hives-hence name-and 108 pounds of honey. I guess I must be doing something right!!! Put wet supers back on last Sunday (1st Auig) and the bees are filling them again. Bought MAQS strips, because we are away in Sept, and felt I could not fit in Apiguard over 4 weeks, plus the feeding.
My question is do I put MAQS strips on now or can it wait a week or two. Should I then extract??? I am now sure if I can be doing with extracting again for a few pounds. The bees would benefit from the honey I think. If this is so, when would I feed them this again? Now or instead of fondant? so much to learn!!!
2hives, you can put the strips in now, treatment is seven days but you don't need to remove the strips, you can do that at your leisure.

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