Whats happened to the spring?

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We have had record cold Marsh. Now we are getting day temps even up to zero. Nights will be -10C.
Interesting talk about global warming and marshes and all but has any one seen a long range weather forecast to share with us?
I am fed up with winter and now the BBKA is sending out e mails about possible starvation.
Interesting talk about global warming and marshes and all but has any one seen a long range weather forecast to share with us?
I am fed up with winter and now the BBKA is sending out e mails about possible starvation.

For the foreseeable future we will receive weather

Well thats the best I can do :sorry:
No overnight frost and overcast today, but at least it was dry and around 8c .. few bees bringing in pollen, but no huge numbers.
-3C overnight.
Melted snow from yesterday has frozen hard. Bitter harsh wind.

Roll on 1st April when the forecast rises to 5C...
Wind chills to the bone here.
I remembered to put greenhouse heater on but left my bargain Lidl strawberries out and they are frozen solid :(
Popped out yesterday afternoon to put inspection boards in.
A couple of our nest boxes have nesting material in them but have remained untouched for a few days. Even the little birds seem to have given up. The rooks and a pair of kites are busy with renovations though.
Heard the first cuckoo of 2013 yesterday evening. A few Great-tits inspecting the nest boxes but no building activity - yet.
No overnight frost here, just overcast and hardly a breath of wind again today.
The mass media is saying this is the coldest March since 1963 ! I doubt that. We had a few in the eighties worse than this.
1963 was something else, frost penetrating more than two ft six into the ground. I had a daughter born 5th Jan, we had no water for six weeks .Blame culture was thriving even then (nowt new) , water board saying local council responsibility and 'tother way round .
I dug down to the main myself and thawed it out with a bucket of fire !
Enterprising people were offering to thaw frozen rising mains by passing low voltage, high current electricity (usually using welding transformers)
You ain't seen nothing yet. :D

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