What will i do with the queen now that theres no bees for her![]()
Thanks Kaz!
How many bees left in the nuc? if there are as many as in that cast swarm, take the nuc away somewhere else and try and nurse them through.
Have you done the unites yet? it's a real bummer when that happens but maybe a sign they werten't weak enough to fend for themselves anyway?
Good show! now sit back and wait a couple of days, you should see them carting out bits of paper tomorrow or the day after. I'll post your next steps tomorrow.
As for the queen in the nuc, well I don't know really - she won't last long with no attendants - someone else in your area need a queen?
What about the caste, would it not be best to remove virgin queen and introduce this queen with a new frame of stores. If not, ill give the bee keepers who gave me the caste a ring and see if they want her. It would be a shame to let her die.
If you can locate the queen in the cast, it's worth a try, it was something I was mulling over last night - reduce the nuc right down to two or three frames, single beespace entrance and take it somewhere else (have you got a garden at home?) and hope for the best.
The nuc or the caste. If I move the nuc, it won't have enough bees to support the Queen however if you mean reduce the caste nuc down to 2 frames, add the queen (if I remove virgin) then move it, yes I can do it.
Yes - remove virgin queen from cast, reduce that nuc down to three frames then introduce queen using an introduction cage - move it away from the wasp problem site.
Too early in the morning for thinking straight - as I have just been reminded, the scent of wasps may be strong on those frames so although a good idea to give them drawn frames - not a good idea in this case as it may attract robbing wasps to a very weak colony
I didn't really get a look at the unites because by the time I was finished with the other 2, it was late enough and abit cold and not to forget there was still some wasps flying near them so I thought best to leave it till today sometime.