Sketchy FFS!! read my post, Im busy and can't spend all day nursemaiding you - follow your own plan if you must but you have a choice - either carry on merrily killing your colonies or follow what I've said and maybe we can salvage things - forget the cast swarm, it's not worth spending any time on - try and save your possibly viable colonies:
Hive 1 check in six days if there are queen cells destroy them all Put that frame of brood in hive #4 then paper unite these two
Leave Hive No 2 alone no reticel, no taking anything off, leave super on and leave them expand as you have just taken two whole frames of brood off thus making them once again a weak colony
Hive 3 - 1 check in six days if there are queen cells destroy them all Put that frame of brood back in hive #2 then paper unite these two
Dummy down No4 as per original suggestion but consider feeding a couple of pints 1:1 syrup.
with the others:
Forget the cast! just dummy down to five frames and see what happens
Go in to the two hives with frames of brood added in six days:
No 1 -
Same goes for hive number 3 - but brood frame into # 2 and paper unite with that one.
If no QC's don't do anything and report back here.
No 6 leave well alone, jus a quick check to see if there's plenty of space - if there isn't report back here. Check stores situation - if the have no stores feed a couple of pints 1:1
Maybe in ten days we will have plenty of drawn comb etc to play with then we can address No 6 properly and maybe waste some time on #5
As you seem to have a good supply of xtratherm consider putting a piece (cut to size on top of each crown board under the roof – although the 2 inch stuff would probably sit a bit better.
We need to concentrate on getting hives 2,4 and 6 up to fighting weight, not fret too much about the others – if they shape up, it’s a bonus.
Is that clear enough? if not come back here and ask, no deviations or 'own ideas' let's stick to this shall we or I'll find some method less stressful to raise my blood pressure - I'm training some new recruits the next few days but I'll be on evenings and maybe lunchtime. I'm warning you all the new wave of customs/immigration officers are going to be carrying some deep mental scars!
I think youll blow a gasket after you read this post
Seeing as my bees are 10mins away in my house in country(i stay in town a few nights) i rushed out without my phone with all the details of what ive to do. I didnt follow your plan exactly but close enough. If i had my phone with me, i would have followed your plan to the tee
So, i opened up hive 3, reduced down to 6 frames and put a 4 inch piece of xtratherm insulation in place of the other hives. I also fed with some 1:1 sugar syrup but didnt fill it because they had plenty of stores. I took away rest of the frames to put in other hives.
Hive 2, i opened up and put a brood frame where there was a superframe at end of hive. I forgot to mention this earlier to you. I put super back on and leftalone. I didnt feed this hive because had plenty of stores and had a super on with 3/4 filled honey frames.
Hive1, i opened this up and reduced down to 8 frames and put xtratherm in place where frames are supposed to be. I took the other frames, shook of bees and put aside. Theres a queen excluder on and super. Seeing as this is queenless, the colony cant really grow so no worries of it getting to busy in there, esp with the super on.
Hive no4, opened this up and put 4 good frames in with capped honey, opened honey and lots of room for queen to lay. I left it at 6 frames and insulation as showed in pic. I moved the frames with bees on them into the centre instead of one frame away from the entrance wall liked showed in last pic. I also fed this with feeder with ss
I opened up nucbox next and gave it 3 full frames of stores, and plenty drawn wax for the queen to start laying quickly. I also put small feeder on top of crownboard and filled with with SS. Queen is still there wandering about!
I know you said forget the caste but i had some frames with stores and wax to lay so i have them these 2 frames. The bees where still in the cluster so i shook them into the frames and closed of the space where they where clustering. I fee this a full white plastic feeder also.
I know this isnt the exact plan you gave me but when i was out at the bees, this is what I thought was supposed to be done. It isnt to far of the plan so go easy on me when you read this
One thing i noticed that you or anyone else didnt mention about the closed queen cells. I dodnt know what to do with them so i just left in place. Was i supposed to? Did you have a look at the pics and can you confirm that they are. Going by the books and the QCs i seen before the swarm, im 99% surer they are but clueless as how to they got there if there wasnt any larvae to make them with.