Hope this clears the confusion
Originally Posted by pargyle View Post
I like a good puzzle - and this is NOTHING like a good puzzle ! But ... glutton for punishment that I am I will try again (these are now Irishguys Numbers - NOT my original ones to avoid confusion !).
No. 1 Hive - Was one of your original hives which swarmed. This hive is a bit aggressive. (Could be queenless).
Yes, this has a super on for room because all but 1 frame is drawn. There's still room for laying but I wasn't to sure they'd have enough room even thou it isn't a full hive of bees. This is the reason why the super is there
No. 2 Hive - Was one of your original hives which swarmed.
Yes this hive swarmed but couldn't find the clipped queen. It has a laying queen and larvae. It has empty brood frames, probably 4. It also has a super 3/4 capped honey. I was going to take this off but just decided to leave it until I knew what was happening with the virgin queen.
You think ! & 2 above are queenless but you say there are capped queen cells in these hives but there are also uncapped queen cells and there may be virgin queens wandering about in them ?
But later on you say No. 2 Hive "is a full hive with plenty stores and room to lay. It also has some brood, some larvae and lots of eggs, also standing up eggs so the queen is defo there today"
No. 3 Hive - Was created as an AS from Hive 1.
Yes and this is one of the hives with the queen cell and Queen less. The super was just in place so I could feed 3 weeks ago. Feeder is empty but haven't removed yet.
No. 4 Hive - Was created as an AS from Hive 2. and you say "is only a few frames but is plentiful with brood, eggs, larvae, wax and honey.".
Correct. Super was there to cover the feeder, just didn't remove it yet
No. 5 Hive - Is a hive with just four or five frames of foundation and the caste you were given yesterday (If it's a Caste can we assume that there is a virgin queen in there ?).
N0. 6 Hive -Originated from Hive 3 as a caste but now has a laying queen but there is not much comb drawn out so little space to lay. (If it's a caste then we assume it's a small colony and not capable of drawing wax out).
Hive 1, 2, 3 & 4 Appear to be National Brood Boxes each with a Super on them.
Hive No. 5 Appears to be a single National Brood box.
This is the caste with empty frames. I was going to join it with one of the boxes.
Hive No. 6 Appears to be a Nucleus.
Yes, nuc box with 4 frames ( insulation in place of frame 5. Should be another slot of insulation but didn't get round to installing it). This nuc box has a laying queen but not enough drawn wax for her.