What happens when you shake bees from a frame?!

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New Bee
Oct 1, 2018
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So I remember from beekeeping classes a long time ago that if you shake a frame of bees, either the nurse bees or the worker bees come off on the first shake

It being more than a month ago, I cant remember which one it was?! Can anyone fill me in?!
Nurse bees are workers.

Flying bees more likely to fall off when shaken than younger bees, according to what I've been told. No idea how accurate that is.
So I remember from beekeeping classes a long time ago that if you shake a frame of bees, either the nurse bees or the worker bees come off on the first shake
Advice I was given by a bee farmer when we were helping him and our task for the day was finding queens and aging them or marking the supersedures:
first shake the 'flying' bees come off (the ones that are actually out there working in the field) second shake will dislodge some of the younger nurse bees, and further shakes will clear more off - the queen will usually hang on for grim death and be the last one to drop off.
^^ also depends on what frame(s) (Stores/capped brood/open/eggs/etc). I've just had to go over a site and do a full EFB check, shaking all bees from every frame x 20 units, most of these are DB setups (very strong) and some rather vile... plus the weather was poor. Very powerful shakes required : )