What did you do in the 'workshop' today

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That's pretty good. Mine never comes that close
My counter top fridge (warming cabinet) with a 75 watt tube heater thernostatically controlled to 45 degrees took the better part of 48 hours to melt a 30 lb bucket .. in fairness it was quicker melting set jars but as I only jar up as I sell and having invested in the Lidl jam maker it went to the tip. The jam maker is smaller to store and does a better, quicker, job. No brainer for me.
I use an old fridge with 2 40w tube heaters in the bottom, it can take 3 30lb buckets, controlled by a plug in inkbird controller to 42C a couple of days is usually fine. A second smart monitor (govee) also checks the temperature which is a bit lower in reality.
Inkbird do a wifi linked version so I can remotely change it to 30C ready to jar once melted.
This is (eventually) going to do some stuff that's beekeeping related, honest. Sooner rather than later if I am to ensure that "her indoors" keeps her hair on. For now however, I am still learning how it works and getting it set up nicely...


It seems to be going pretty well so far, despite the learning curve being pretty steep. Apparently (according to FB) there's a sticker that has been seen around the local town a few times that is catching attention, so I pinched the text and produced this. Still needs a teeny bit of work adjusting the airflow during engraving, but not bad for a first attempt I feel.



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