What did you do in the 'workshop' today

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Put together 32 of the 50 hives i picked up last Saturday. Sadly some were already moving as the started to dry out, but all ok once clamped, glued and screwed, then rechecked and re-squared where necessary.
Lovely pine, but very resinous. Thats what you get when you order last minute.
Have to go back to work tomorrow, now it seems to have finally stopped raining!!
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Nah you couldn't get enough catcher mitts that small, and there isn't enough space in each cell to bounce the ball.


and wouldn't there have to be a cooler queen? Well that bit's OK, then!
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Made a double hive stand for langs...Finished all my cheap wood...
Drove down to USK today and picked up enough Western Red Cedar to build 10 to 12 NUCs and a couple more WBC hive stands and roofs. Immediately realised I had double ordered on the rail timber. Never mind I will have to take orders and buy some more timber. 200 miles round trip was very enjoyable apart from traffic at Oxford and the fog this morning. SWMBO bought me lunch.
I have calculated that with the timber costs, omf, clips, entrance dials and other hardware they will cost me about 13 each. Labour costs nil, pleasure inestimable. Time in workshop away from SWMBO priceless for us both!!
Drove down to USK today and picked up enough Western Red Cedar to build 10 to 12 NUCs and a couple more WBC hive stands and roofs. Immediately realised I had double ordered on the rail timber. Never mind I will have to take orders and buy some more timber. 200 miles round trip was very enjoyable apart from traffic at Oxford and the fog this morning. SWMBO bought me lunch.
I have calculated that with the timber costs, omf, clips, entrance dials and other hardware they will cost me about 13 each. Labour costs nil, pleasure inestimable. Time in workshop away from SWMBO priceless for us both!!

What about the fuel costs? And the tyre wear? And lunch etc?
Finished off my 14x12 nucs today

Used up all the leftover wood and mesh and roof felt from making hives before Christmas
Coat of green fence paint and added entrance disks - job done

What about the fuel costs? And the tyre wear? And lunch etc?

6 gallons of diesel, wear and tear on the car, day out with SWMBO and she bought lunch. Not bad in the great scheme of things. Factor in the fuel costs in my calculation. Ride across the Cotswolds and through the Forest of Dean? Priceless!!!!!!
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PS - is the QX setting OK? I used one of this type last year that not even the workers could get through.

The ones on the Maisie's poly nucs last year had faulty QX entrances as well as the ones they were flogging off at 50p a throw at sales (they were aware and did tell people) Didn't bother me as I don't usually bother with it - but found out in quick time as, last year I decided to try it on one of the nucs, luckily it was an experiment so they were shut up for less than 24 hours.
6 gallons of diesel, wear and tear on the car, day out with SWMBO and she bought lunch. Not bad in the great scheme of things. Factor in the fuel costs in my calculation. Ride across the Cotswolds and through the Forest of Dean? Priceless!!!!!!

Sounds like a very enjoyable day.. and saving money as well..

(You're not Scots are you ?:paparazzi: )
Measured one of my modded to Nat Swienty Langstroth nucs and sent the parts list to a friend.

PS - is the QX setting OK? I used one of this type last year that not even the workers could get through.

OK thanks for the tip, i'll have to bear that in mind if they get used this year - they're Thornes entrance discs btw
OK thanks for the tip, i'll have to bear that in mind if they get used this year - they're Thornes entrance discs btw

Not sure where last year's came from - they were a "gift"... But I now have some, as supplied, on Maisie's poly nucs - one colony is overwintering in one as we speak. I haven't used the QX setting, but I've still pinned it though!
OK thanks for the tip, i'll have to bear that in mind if they get used this year - they're Thornes entrance discs btw

The bees may not be able to easily remove any dead bees/corpses with the entrances so high.
Yesterday and this morning, tidied up the chamber of secrets and prepared to put together a couple of hundred frames and 'some' shallows :D need to make room for some accidentally ordered kit awaiting me at the spring convention.