What did you do in the 'workshop' today

20 foot x 10 foot Billy "OH".... cheaper than replacing a fallen down fence, by the time posts and rails were added.
Additions have been a 5 foot porch and another 6 foot shed for the Huge Charnwood dust extractor and my compressor at each end!
T&G was a bit flimsy so insulated with 25mm Kingspan and lined with fireproof Sundela board, walls and ceilings. floor also reinforced with 20mm sheets of marine ply underneath before fitting down onto block stanchions with steel girders on top to level.
Sparks has finished cabling up to new consumer unit... with a 16A ring for the heavier motors.
Kitchen units and a nearly new worktop in place and the plastic windows glazed in.
Band saw, Router table, Morticer and saw table placed but not fitted, not sure if to move little wood turning lathe, as firmly bolted down in Garage... but would be nice to have all the woodworking kit in one place.
Also yet to fit are woodworking vices and all the tube for the dust extractor.
Victorian street lamp post on the floor being painted at the moment... what else would you buy SWMBO for letting me have another shed?
( and a big thank you for the local developers who let me skip dip for timber/insulation/complete kitchen.... and even 50m of 6mm T&E cable... saved £££££s!!
Yeghes da