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Autumn treatment to try to kill varroa that have bred through summer. Hoping to ensure optimum healthy bees going into winter. No treatment is 100% so a mop up around shortest day is also accepted practice.
Formic Pro seems to have devastated two hives.
One - the BB just has empty combs and a few stores, the super [which is a deep] has plenty of stores, but bee numbers are too low for my liking. Will probably unite with a small split which I didn't treat, but only when I get a warmer day.
The second colony doesn't seem to have any brood, but plenty of stores and bees - a little room for laying, but as it was colder than I would like I didn't delve around the BB too much. Just wanted to get FP strips out, ent reducers back on, QE out and to get a quick look. Hoping the Q is just taking time out...
Facing a possibility of being down to a single colony by next March :-( Thank goodness I did the split in the summer. Back to Apiguard next season! I don't like a varroa treatment that may kill varroa AND my Qs if that is what has happened.
Formic Pro seems to have devastated two hives.
One - the BB just has empty combs and a few stores, the super [which is a deep] has plenty of stores, but bee numbers are too low for my liking. Will probably unite with a small split which I didn't treat, but only when I get a warmer day.
The second colony doesn't seem to have any brood, but plenty of stores and bees - a little room for laying, but as it was colder than I would like I didn't delve around the BB too much. Just wanted to get FP strips out, ent reducers back on, QE out and to get a quick look. Hoping the Q is just taking time out...
Facing a possibility of being down to a single colony by next March :-( Thank goodness I did the split in the summer. Back to Apiguard next season! I don't like a varroa treatment that may kill varroa AND my Qs if that is what has happened.
It’s not an uncommon occurrence with Maqs / Formic Pro unfortunately.

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